Sunday, April 28, 2024

Week #39 - Town Hall OBE


Seventy (70) is the new Twenty (20); Aged to perfection!

Gorby, Brian and Veronica were grilled to within an inch of their memories and asked about certain aspects of their existence! Sir Geoffrey Longshaw did not hold back with his (well thought out) questions and put them on the spot as their secrets unfolded!

Interviewer Geoff Longshaw’s opening remarks were “Welcome to three Septuagenarians of our Rotary club. 210 years of experience which I am eager to explore (you, on the other hand, may not be so eager…)

What is your earliest memory?

Veronica:    Of what? (to laughter…). About three years old, I bumped my head and was carted off to hospital in an ambulance wrapped in a red blanket. I’ve never been able to wear red since….

Brian:         Also about three, watching the boy next door get swooped by a magpie. I thought this was wonderful….

Gorby:       Memory is a funny thing, perhaps hearing things so many times from your parents? I remember once watching a steam train come up the hill from Maylands…

What schools did you attend?

Gorby:       Primary school at Como. High School at Wesley College, where Brian and I were in the same year cohort. Then to Uni at Curtin.

(still in therapy after being beaten in German by Brian…).

Brian:        I went to eleven different schools around the state (father’s work transfers) before going to boarding school at Wesley College.

(recollect always having to stand Gorby “downslope” when taking photos for Air Cadets….).

Veronica:    First school Sacred Heart Primary School in Leigh, Lancashire. Catholic co-ed until 11, then off to either “Hell” (Secondary School) or “Heaven” (Grammar School). I ended up at St Marys Roman Catholic School for Girls, no boys…

Did any of you end up copping nicknames?

Veronica:    None that I’m going to divulge here….!

Brian:        I’d like to say “Johno”, but it was “Joystick” (something to do with an early affinity to aeroplanes…?).

Gorby:       Not that I recall. My grandparents were Jewish/German refugees and my father changed his name from Gottschalk to Gooch. I changed back to my family name in early ‘80s because I wanted to and because Graham Gooch was English cricket captain!!

A friend couldn’t pronounce Gottschalk and Mikhail Gorbachev was in power, so “Gorby” stuck….

What languages? You studied German?

Gorby:       My German gets pretty good after about three or four beers… No German spoken at home, so I studied at school and ended up living in Heidelberg for a couple of years.

Brian:        I was in Gorby’s German class, but had to study hard to beat him because he was the teacher’s pet…

(Gorby: I think you were her “toy boy” really….)

Veronica:    Nothing that exciting! I studied French at school.

My Mum was Maltese and Dad wouldn’t allow her to speak Maltese at home (although she did teach me some swear words that got me around Malta fairly quickly…). I did try Italian, but traveling in Italy with Jon I was asked “Do you speak English? Then I suggest you do so….”

Grown up now, do you read a newspaper every day?

Veronica:    Yes, I read the Australian.

Brian:        I won’t read Murdoch press, I tend to read online news.

Gorby:       No! But I do watch ABC News (quip about his recent interview).

Have you ever written to the Newspapers?

Gorby:       No

Brian:        Years ago, something to do with seatbelts.

Veronica:    I once wrote to the West Australian after a pretty nasty election. My Liberal friends all asked if I was having a go at the Party?

What about Social Media?

Veronica:    I love Social Media! Especially on behalf of RCMP, it’s the best thing if we all use it properly. Social Media has a great future, something we need to all embrace and use for the right reasons.

Brian:        I’ve never really been into it, but did try Facebook for Rotary. However I recently got hacked and deleted it all…

Gorby:       Very mixed feelings, I thought a post was something dogs wee’d on…My extended family in Germany tracked us down on FB, even with the name change, and we reconnected. Then I have a friend who’s daughter is being bullied on FB, so good and bad.

Would you prefer to sit next to Trump or Biden?:

Veronica:    I’d prefer to sit next to Brian… Could probably accept Biden.

Brian:        Trump, just to see if someone that bad is real…

Gorby:       Appalling that a country of 300 million can only pick those two for their leadership….I probably wouldn’t turn up, be an apology…

Bucket List?:

Gorby:       Two I’ve already ticked off - Lord’s Test match (saw David Tyler) and Brandenburg Gate.

Brian:        The Edinburgh Tattoo, to see the lone piper on the parapet.

Veronica:    To see my youngest daughter get engaged, which she just did a couple of weeks ago…Parachute jumping, fly a small plane or go to the Maldives.

Favourite country, either visited or want to visit?:

Veronica:    Australia. British born, Maltese by default but Australian by choice.

Brian:        Italy and England (London). There is so much history to see.

Gorby:       Reconnected with my German ancestry, but Australia is by far the greatest country in the world. Strong friendships in Malaysia.

Time getting away, do any of you believe in Astrology?

Gorby:       Of course not, I’m a Capricorn….

Brian:        No

Veronica:    missed….


Brian:        Yes (touch wood), even though I don’t believe in Astrology.

Veronica:    When I travel, I always wear these special earrings Jon bought me and feel safe.

Gorby:       Lucky undies though (in response to Veronica)….

Time ran out, so Geoff asked for a round of applause for our Septuagenarians.

 Directors Reports and Announcement

  • Geoff L - Endeavour Awards at the Pines Wednesday 12 June - book early as places limited!
  • Brian J - District Assembly 19 May - every member welcome to find out more about Rotary.
  • Website link password proofed for member section only - Rotary Club info and forms. Send to BJ if you want to include.
  • David R - Pride of Workmanship for those outstanding in their workplace. Names to David please.
  • Gerry McG - Visit to SKG was amazing and thanks to 21 members who attended of which 18 went on to dinner .


We have just been advised that Rod Slater has just passed away.
Rod was a Charter member of Mill Point and was in the Club for about 15 years. Apparently he was the original “Fines Master” and taught Owen everything he knows…. Others may know him as the owner of EuroCars for many years.
He continued in a number of Rotary clubs over the years, most recently in Heirisson Rotary Club. A big personality, and revered member of Rotary. Condolences to Rods family and friends.


Wayne the Elder boosted our bounty with an array of fines:

  • Those who didn't know the difference between the Bird Flu (you need to be tweeted) and Swine Flu (need oinkment)!
  • Those ignorant of what a Pogonophile was (those with a beard or who have penchant for a beard)
  • Anyone still using a cheque book
  • The Blue shirt brigade - all ten of them!
  • Gorby 'star' of ABC news for hanging around a primary school...
  • Derby Day winners and losers (double the fine) and 
  • the Three Amigos who would be 'spilling all' in their septugenarian interviews! (Gorby, BJ and Veronica)

Winner of Heads and Tails

Ian Kremmer won heads up! 

Thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the wine each week.


34 attendees in all, including visiting Rotarian Lynnette Mullen from Matilda Bay RC. 




Quotes of the Day - all anonymous

"You don't get smarter as you get older. There is just less stupid stuff left that you haven't already done!"

"I've reached the age where my brain went from 'you probably shouldn't say that' to 'what the hell, let's see what happens'!"

"I remember being able to get up without producing side effects!"