Saturday, April 20, 2024

Week #38

It's an ANZAC Kind of Day

The anniversary of Advance Australia Fair was proclaimed as Australia's National Anthem this day in 1984, along with the adoption of Green and Gold for the National colours of Australia. Vice President Brian Johnson conducted the formalities of the day beginning with the Ode for the Fallen, followed by a sombre but heartfelt rendition of The Last Post, a minutes silence then the Rouse by local businessman and bugler Barry Telfer.

Guest Speaker - Wing Commander (Retd) Geoff Trowbridge

Geoff had 21 years in the Air Force as a weapons systems engineer and Defence project manager. From the RAAF he joined Optus as their satellite planning manager and then became a consultant for Ernst & Young, Boston Consulting, McKinsey and BHP.

When he retired, he was the MD of Scientific Aerospace, the first company in Australia to design, manufacture and operate drones in the agricultural and defence sectors.

Geoff has been a member of Rotary since 1973 and supported Indigenous and not for profit organisations including Mission Australia’s Christmas Lunch in the Park.

He is currently working with ex-service organisations seeking redress of an injustice to service personnel in the Defence Force Retirement and Death Benefits Scheme.

Geoff gave a very honest and thought-provoking presentation on ANZAC – The Legend and the Reality.

 We should remember:

-       Over 60,000 were killed in WW1

-       Over 27,000 were killed in WW2

-       521 died in Vietnam from 1962-75

-       41 died in Afghanistan from 2001-2022

The most prominent characteristic of the Australian experience of war is not the ANZAC spirit, but the national unpreparedness overcome by the ANZAC spirit.

Defence is far more complex now with weapon technology, air and sea drones and a global race for technical talent. We are in a Grey Zone with Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan, cyberattacks, trade coercion, hostile diplomacy, Pacific debt dependency and terrorism.

We are vulnerable because of strategy, 90% of our fuel imported from Singapore, insufficient munitions and firepower, don’t own our supply ships, retention and recruiting crisis and dependence on China for domestic and renewable energy supplies.

We are not prepared for:

-       Any crisis in the South China Sea or Malacca Strait

-       Protecting our sea lanes

-       Operations from forward bases

-       Any war – two weeks supply of munitions

-       Trump becoming President and abandoning AUKUS

-       Critical crew numbers so low we had to drydock an Anzac frigate

-       Rapid use of drones, robotics, satellites, AI and cybersecurity

-       Urgent, competitive need for STEM talent & specialist engineers

The Australian Defence Force (ADF) is “Top Heavy”

-       ADF has 219 “one-stars” with 41,079 members, a ratio 1:188

-       UK 1: 1,252

-       US 1: 1,526

-    Service chiefs compete for resources with 9 public servants of equal rank.




Support For Veterans has been very poor. After years of lobbying by the Veteran community, in 2021 the Royal Commission into Veteran Suicide was established. The 2021 suicide rate for ex-serving males was 44% higher for males, for females 107% higher. Veterans and their families have been treated disdainfully and cruelly.

There has been a failure of ADF Leadership. Despite 57 previous inquiries over the last 20-30 years examining risk factors for suicide in our military community and almost 770 recommendations, very little has changed.


Geoff’s full presentation can be viewed at:>members only (password)> this link>Guest Speaker Presentations>TROWBRIDGE Geoff – ANZAC 2024.

Directors Reports and Announcements

Pastoral Michelle : Heartfelt condolences to Kim P on the passing of her father; Good wishes to Owen F for a speedy recovery from a back problem; Peter Stevens doing well, though still in rehab in Hollywood; and

Congratulations to Jaclyn and Jackson on the birth of their baby boy - as yet unnamed but doing well, even though a month early by C-section. Jaclyn being transferred to SJoG in Murdoch later today.

Vocational Gerry : Vocational tour to SKG on Tuesday - please contact Gerry on 0438 642 738 for more details or to book a place: Pride of Workmanship will be held on 17 May - still need 2 more nominees; RC of Como hosting visiting Professor from Bethlehem at Dome Deepwater point on Friday 18 April 3.30-5.15pm.

Wayne the Elder: The 2024 BulldustNBack is on again 10-13 October. Second survey completed by Kelly and Charlie covering the Northern wheatbelt and beyond, taking in bushtracks, dirt and gravel roads and other places of interest. Please diarise these dates as volunteers are needed.


38 attendees in all, including guest speaker Geoff Trowbridge and Bugler Barry Telfer, as well as visitors Peggy, Anne-Marie, Ian, Katrina, Shane, Andy and Beth.