Friday, April 12, 2024

Week #37

April is Environmental Month!

RCMP lead the way - as usual - here are some of our environmental projects:

  • Sewing Sisters and Global Hands - Papua New Guinea and trialling in Sri Lanka - reusable feminine hygiene products, showing the world that we are conscious of landfill and waste.
  • Greenbatch, now Containers for Change and still are, recycling cans and bottles
  • Collection of unsold bread and other products each week from Brumby’s in Mt Lawley and given to The Haven in Victoria Park
  • Second bite recycling and SOS 
  • Tree planting, twice a year we have been involved in this in conjunction with Tree Mission and other Rotary Clubs
  • The Linen project – recycling linen from FMG mine sites – they have just finished emptying containers in SA and the linen has gone round the world.
  • Used spectacles  - sorting and repurposing - A Global Hands project.

Global Hand Sri Lankan Eye Camp - Raelene George

Host Reggie Lau introduced our Speaker Raelene George, RCMP International Director and Global Hand Charity (GHC) Secretary since 2019.


Raelene has been a registered nurse and midwife since 1966. She served as the Charge Nurse of the Emergency Department and Midwifery Manager at Kalgoorlie Regional Hospital for 45 years. While there in the 90’s, she was the Boss of a young graduate midwife Reggie Lau….


Raelene has travelled to India with the Rotary Polio Plus program and gone on four Eye Camps to Sri Lanka and Cambodia with Global Hand Charity.


Reggie described Raelene as “passionate, organised, graceful, extraordinarily hardworking and reliable. Raelene simply gets on with her work because she believes in the humanitarian efforts and the positive impact they have on. People’s lives”.


In opening her address, Raelene acknowledged the many people and organisations who supported the GHC Eye Camp:

  • John MANSFIELD (Newcastle,  GHC Life Member, former RCMP member and Camp Manager
  • Husband and wife team (Melbourne) Patrice ZELAZNY Senior Optometrist and Michael NIELSON Engineer
  •  Optometrists Brianna CALDOW (Perth), Sarah FALTAS & 
  • Hannah AMIRI (Melbourne), Piranaa ALAGIAH (Sydney
  • UWA Optometrist graduate Monique LAO and UWA Optometry students Maddie LAMB and Samantha RATNAYAKA (Perth)
  • Christa PAUL (Sri Lanka) resident Optometrist 
  • Engaged couple Hannah Lawrance Media and Nathan PETRELIS Engineer and “Jack of all Trades” 
  • Veronica LAWRANCE (Perth) RCMP President and visual acuity expert (and Hannah’s Mum…) 
  • Raelene GEORGE (Perth) RCMP International Director and GHC Secretary. Third visit to Sri Lanka 
  • Mark HORWOOD (Perth) GHC Life Member, former RCMP member behind the scenes organisation 
  • Reggie LAU (Perth) GHC Board member, RCMP member expert help in setting up the Eye Camp 
  • Marelene BOULOS (Melbourne) previous Chief Optometrist 
  • Rotarians from Colombo, Batticaloa and Kalmunai 
  • Hospital staff from Batticaloa, Kaluwanchikudy and Kalmunai 
  • Red Cross staff, students, teachers and others


Global Hand Charity (GHC) was founded in 2008 to improve educational and health opportunities in Asian remote regions. It was initially an initiative of RCMP, but is now a charity in its own right.


The Eye Camp team hired a coach and travelled the seven hours from Colombo to Batticaloa on the east coast of Sri Lanka.


Sri Lanka (formerly Ceylon) has a population of 22.2 million people made up of Sinhalese (Buddhists), Tamil (Hindu), Sri Lankan Moors, Indian Tamils and others.

In recent history it has been marred by a 30-year civil war, the 2004 tsunami and is experiencing its worst economic crisis since independence in 1948.


The GHC Goal was to service the marginalised segment of the population.


 The First day was at the Batticaloa Base Hospital where 370 people were seen (64 Cataracts and 30 custom glasses). Due to overcrowding and crowd unrest at the site, the clinic was relocated several kilometres to the Kaluwanchikudy & Kalmunai Base Hospital.


The remaining clinics were in one big room with airconditioning and better registration/crowd control. 1,471 people were seen for a total of 1,841.


Day 3 was a well-earned rest at a popular beach destination and then back to work…


The team was warmly welcomed by the various Rotary Clubs, hospital staff and of course the masses of people they saw each day.

It was sad to say their goodbyes to each other after an exhausting but exhilarating few days.


All Australia volunteers self-funded their own trip, accommodation and meals. The GHC Operation cost included glasses purchased, transport and local staff remuneration. The BulldustNBack donation was essential to the overall $15,000 cost of the Eye Camp.


 Where to from here?

  •  Follow up with the local Rotary Clubs that the custom-made glasses from Colombo are distributed to the various patients.
  •  Cataract surgery is offered to all patients that were identified
  • Eye Camps to Sri Lanka and Cambodia in the planning stages for 2025/26
  • Fundraising for the camps


A PDF version of Raelene’s presentation can be viewed at:>members only (password)>this link >Guest Speaker Presentations>GEORGE Raelene – 2024 GHC Sri Lanka Eye Camp.pdf

Please note, there is also a similar 2023 presentation….

The full (520 Mb) PowerPoint with embedded video on request.



Directors Reports and Announcements


  • Committee meeting after the meeting

Vice President 

  • Reminder Rotary Action Day Walk - if you haven't already, can register on the day.


  • Collecting Containers for Change towards BulldustNBack FUNdraising.


  • Visit to SKG third time lucky, still on for 23 April. 15b booked can take another 5. Contact Gerry McGann 0438 642 738
  • Pride of Workmanship - 2 nominees so far - would like 2 moree
  • RC of Booragoon Special Overseas Guest Speaker
    Distinguished scientist and author, Professor Mazin Qumsiyeh, who is making his first visit to Australia from RC of Bethlehem and founder of the Palestine Museum of Natural History. A respected speaker able to talk about his positive work in areas of environment and health while situated in an unstable regional situation. He is founder and volunteer director of the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at Bethlehem University and has also served at US universities including Tennessee, Duke and Yale. Prof Qumsiyeh has published more than 180 scientific papers, over 30 book chapters, hundreds of articles, and several books on topics ranging from environmental impact of colonisation to cultural heritage to human rights to biodiversity conservation to environmental health. He has overseen a number of projects ranging from formulating the National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan to environmental and climate justice and empowerment projects with farmers, women, and children that benefited tens of thousands. You can learn more about the Palestine Institute for Biodiversity and Sustainability at

WHERE: The Library, Dome Deep Water Point, 100 The Esplanade, Mount Pleasant

WHEN: Friday, April 19, 2024; 3.30-5.15pm

REFRESHMENTS: Drinks, tea and coffee, snacks order at cafĂ©

COSTS: No charge

RSVP: 5pm, Tuesday April 16 to


 Pastoral care

Peter Stevens is doing well, although still in Hollywood Hospital, Edwards Ward,  Room 17, having chemo and physio. Visitors welcome, but don't stay too long!


Our daily indiscretions disunited us from our dollars by way of our pocket-rocket Jenny McLean who focused on Ground Breaking research and near Religious experiences!

  • Cheeky Geoff L scored the first fine for talking back!
  • The Red Shirt brigade, yes, ALL 13 of them

  • All dog owners - our longevity is in your paws - so the research says.
  • All AFL supporters - in particular Eagles supporters who worship the Jesus look-alike new recruit - and of course, those who don't!
  • Kelly Gillen for forgetting to show up at the men's dinner.

 Winner of Heads and Tails

Grand Two-Up-Tosser Geoff Longshaw spun the coins and
Wayne Duke pipped visitor Eugene Goh at the post!

Thanks to Margaret and Lyn Metcalf for supplying the winning wine!


43 attendees in all, including visiting Rotarian Bill Boekman (Wongan Hills) and visitors Amy, Mark, Wendy, Eugene, Rona, Samantha, Beatrice, Gordon, and Penny.