Monday, April 1, 2024

Week 35 - Special Easter Edition

From the President

Wishing you all had a very happy and safe Easter holiday, with lot of fun (and chocolate) with your families. 

Easter is a time of  reflection and celebration, with the giving and receiving of (chocolate or otherwise) eggs which represent new life and rebirth, as this ancient custom became a part of Easter celebrations. In the medieval period, eating eggs was forbidden during Lent (the 40 days before Easter) so on Easter Sunday, tucking into an egg was a real treat!

Meanwhile I hope you took a break, enjoyed what life has to offer and continue to spread goodwill and cheer wherever you go!

Directors' Reports and Announcements

Vocational - Visit to Radiology lab (SKG) and then optional dinner.  Tuesday 23 April 5.30 - 6.30 SKG Subiaco - see Events page for further information. Please send nominations for "Pride of Workmanship" for 17 May to Gerry McGann.

Pastoral care - Scott Dwyer now home and resting; Peter Stevens in Hollywood hospital, Edwards Ward,  Room 17. Happy to have visitors (short visits).

Community - April is "Environmental" month. Please send in nominations for "Unsung Heroes" for 24 May to Ian Kremmer.

Club Service - Committee Meeting on Friday 5 May after breakfast: If you haven't already, book your seat for the Rotary Action Day dinner at the Rise, Maylands, Saturday 13 April. Cost $55 per head. Book at

Membership - Welcome to new members Dianna Goh and Lydia Wong and new classification Garrick McCamey.

Next Meeting - Friday 5 April, guest speaker is Frank Sciarrone speaking on "DUG Technology - startups". Remember to RSVP if you are NOT attending.