Friday, May 3, 2024

Bulletin #40

Youth Services Month

May is Rotary Youth Services month with a focus on young people and the development of the next generation of leaders.

A fitting reminder that we are about to embark on the Rotary 4 Way Test Speaking competition in our District (9423), and applications for RYLA and RYPEN for the next Rotary year. 


May also celebrates other youthful endeavours such as:

  • Baby day

  • Brothers and sisters day

  • Take a baby to lunch day

  • International midwives day

  • International day of families

  • International day of the African child; 

and it's also National Chocolate Custard Day - you can be a child of any age to enjoy this!

Our youthful acting-sargent at arms informed us who had hit youthful milestones this week.

Guest Speaker - Mark Anderson, Major Gifts Officer, RISPPO

Mark is the Major Gifts Officer for The Rotary Foundation at the South Pacific and Philippines Office (RISSPO) in Sydney. His role is donor acquisition and stewardship. Mark
has been a Rotarian for over 35 years, being a member in Clubs in Victoria, New South Wales and South Africa, where he met Nelson Mandela.

His involvement in Rotary began in 1972, as Secretary of the Corinda High School Interact Club in Queensland, then as a Rotary Youth Exchange student to Canada, He was a Rotaractor, a RYLArian and a GSE team member to California.


Since joining Rotary in 1987, he has been President of two Clubs, has led a GSE Team to Germany and held many District leadership positions. 


Mark spoke about the birth of Rotary Internatioal and how and why it was created as the world's first service club.


Then President Arch C. Klumph proposed to set up an endowment
in 1917.  The first contribution to the endowment was from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri, USA for $26.50 USD. The endowment is the precursor to the Rotary Foundation the not-for-profit philanthropic organisation that supports Rotary Internationa;.


Notable milestones included the "Paul Harris Fellow" designation in 1957, recognising contributions of $1,000; Polio Plus in 1985, its most prominent and ambitious program to eradicate the poliomyelitis virus, and in 1999 the Bequest Society was established for commitments of $10,000 or more; and in 2004 the 'Arch C Klumph Society" was established to recognise major donors of $250,000 or more.

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to "help Rotary members advance world understanding, goodwill and peace, by improving health, provide quality education, improve the environment and alleviate poverty".

The goals of RF are to provide a framework based on community needs have an impact on the world and build the Rotary brand .


Mark touched on the Rotary Foundation and how it works, defying the myth that Foundation donations fall into a black hole, and Global Grants are not just spent overseas - rather they support and fund District, Global and Disaster Relief grants in Australia where we are the nett receiver of global grant funds. 


In addition, donations through the Foundation, assists in the eradication of Polio via the  Polio Plus program, Peace Fellowships and other specific projects.

Polio is now contained to two countries only recording small outbreaks (4 new cases) in Afghanistan and Pakistan - but Rotary will not rest until the figures are zero!

Rotary Peace Fellowships are not about stopping wars but about creating harmony in our own communities too - think Domestic Violence. Rotary Peace Centres are global and committed to education and peace building.

The Rotary Foundation is one of the highest rated charities in the world with low admin costs and outstanding stewardship of donations.

Rotary's mission centers around seven (7) areas of focus concentrating on goals which assist in each area, aligning with other international development efforts and serving 15 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Rotary Foundation has the broadest area of focus of any civic foundation which allows all Rotarians to be inspired and find something that motivates them to get involved and change the world.

 As Rotary clubs align their goals and actions we aim to "

Increase our impact - how did our project grow our Rotary brand?

Expand our reach - did we have the ability to grow our membership because of our project?

Enhance participant engagement - did our project deliver member satisfaction? and 

Increase our ability to adapt - did we try something new?

Mark was warmly thanked by all members and given a matching set of glasses for his collection of Malt Whiskies!
The full presentation can be found on the members only page of the website.

Directors Reports and Announcement

Ian K - Community

  • Thanks to Wayne, Alison, Raelene, Trish and Gerry for working so hard last Sunday at the PanKind event. Pankind raised $93,000 and had 400 walkers in the event.
  • City of South Perth event on 26 May. Joint venture with RC of Como "Charity Drop Off" for unwanted (well preserved goods) to go to SOS. Volunteers needed to assist. Please contact Ian.

Michelle - Pastoral Care

  • Mike Collet has had a skin cancer removed from his face, close to his left eye and whilst recovering well he is unable to drive - get better soon Mike.
  • Peter Stevens on the road to recovery, in good spirits and hopefully be out of Hollywood soon.
  • Kelly Gillen got the flu - take it easy Kelly and drink plenty of fluids!
  • Peter Craig has been transferred to Bayswater, a wee bit closer to home.

Rick - Youth

  • It's a RYPEN weekend with Michelle's Grand-daughter being sponsored by Manjimup RC and Alison's candidate Bella being sponsored by RCMP. 
  • Pleas consider cooking and donating meals for PICYS. Rick happy to collect 
Gerry - Vocational 
  •  Pride of Workmanship has been deferred to July, so plenty of time to submit further nominations. We have two - would like two more!
  • Future vocational visit to SAS Barracks, numbers restricted to 18 so book early. Date to be advised, possible 10am start then lunch in the mess hall. 

Money can't buy you love...

...but it can buy you lots of substitutes, so being selfless in sharing our stash as finesmaster of the day Joy Burnett slashed our savings...

  • Howard's low rating in the Tourism stakes at the Bell Tower
  • Lyn M, Wayne D, Vic S and Joy B on their return from extended holidays
  • Vic S for becoming a grand-dad
  • Lew, never sit with your back to the finesmaster or for chosing your breakfast companions - oh and don't forget your wife's expensive taste in restaurants!
  • Graham R - does Qantas ring a bell?
  • Raelene G, and David R  for being May babies and Rick S for not telling us whether he gave wife Mandy an Anniversary peck on the cheek before Rotary this morning.
  • Geoff L - Interviewer extraordinairre last week - need a job?
  • Town Hall interviewees from last week - Veronica, Brian and Gorby - too many secrets!
  • Scott D - because...
  • David R - putting keys in a safe place so safe he forgot where and on return from holiday had to break into his own abode!
  • Joy - for doing exactly the same thing weeks before! 
  • Mark Anderson, guest speaker, guest, special person and fellow Rotarian  - check your phone!
  • Ken P - grand-daughter just qualified for Olympics Water Polo. 
  • Everyone else who missed last week's epic meeting!

It's a tail to tell...

Tosser Angus Florence assisted President
Veronica win the wine with a 'tails' win. The lovely bottle of Shiraz will wend its way down to Esperance to be shared with other Rotary presenters at the Esperance District Assembly this weekend.


33 attendees in all, including guest speaker Mark Anderson and District Governor Ineke Oliver.