Friday, May 17, 2024

Bulletin #42

What kind of a 'Phile' are you?

“I’m a lover not a fighter” – is a quote ascribed to Mel Gibson in the film Braveheart in 2020, it was also a famous line in the music video “Thriller” by Michael Jackson in 1983 and the title of a country and western song by Skeeter Davis in 1969.

However the word 'phile' means to be a “lover of things” and hails from the Greek word 'Phileein' -  meaning to love.

This has been shortened over time to “Phile” which denotes a person who loves or has a fondness for a specified thing.

The free dictionary defines ‘Phile’ as ‘one who loves or has a strong affinity or preference for something specific’  so which 'Phile' are you?

  • Oenophile - A person who enjoys wines, such as a connoisseur
  • Heliophil - A lover of the sun
  • Thalassophile - A lover of the sea or ocean
  • Opacarophile - Lover of sunsets
  • Dendrophile - Lover of trees and forests
  • Logophile - A person who is a lover of words
  • Bibliophile - A person who collects or has a great love of books
  • Quodophile - A lover or collector of quotes
  • Librocubicularist - Lover of reading in bed
  • Discophile - A person who loves vinyl; a record collector
  • Millinophile A lover of hat-wearing
  • Kylindrophile - A person who loves to collect date

Guest Speaker Morag Mathieson (DTM) Toastmasters International President 2023-2024

Morag Mathieson, a native of Scotland who now resides in Möhrendorf, Bavaria, Germany, is the 2023–2024 Toastmasters International President.

Morag holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from The Open University in Milton Keynes, England. She is self-employed professional development consultant and chair of the Board of the child sponsorship charity Living Water Germany e.V. Previously, she was the general manager and superintendent pharmacist for Belfast Co- operative Chemists, where she had full professional and business responsibility for a group of pharmacies in Northern Ireland.

As a Toastmaster since 2006, she has held a number of high-profile leadership positions within Toastmasters and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster designation - the highest level of educational achievement in the organization.

In opening her address, Morag said it is a very great privilege to be the International President of Toastmasters International in its 100th Anniversary Year. It will be technically celebrated on 22nd October, although the Annual Convention in August will be held in Anaheim California, where the journey began. The second club was formed in Scotland and now there are 148 Clubs worldwide.

Morag noted the current Rotary International President (R. Gordon R. McInally) is also a Healthcare Professional from Scotland and they share similar backgrounds….

In 2019 Toastmasters International and Rotary International formed a Strategic Alliance, with many similarities and complimentary differences. TI has developed eight educational courses for Rotary, currently in the Learning Centre and available in nine languages.

There are many opportunities to cooperate at club level and expand Fellowship. They contribute to the community and invite others to improve themselves. Rotarians are invited to visit Toastmasters clubs as guests and speak, where they will be offered supportive and constructive feedback. Morag said many TI and RI clubs hold joint meetings.

The WA District Conference is to be held this weekend. Morag also spoke of joint projects in Kenya and Mauritius, where TI and RI were involved in each other’s conferences and training. In Sydney 2021, the Joint Women’s Day saw a collaborative panel of speakers came together and included the Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Morag thanked us for our welcome and extended an invitation to “come visit and explore the possibilities”

In taking questions, Morag deferred to Ian Pickens, D17 District Director. WA has 55 active clubs. Similar to Rotary, they have their own Charter and meet either weekly or fortnightly. Some clubs also exist within organisations or as corporates.


Lewis Ball – Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

A guest of Wayne Muller, Lewis Ball gave an impromptu talk on the SKA. Lewis is Operations Manager WA, where we are home to the world’s largest array telescope with 132 antennas connected as a single entity. South Africa has a smaller array of 119 connected antennas.

The SKA is an international inter-governmental organisation dedicated to research in understanding the Universe. A specific field is the origins of magnetic fields.

Numerous member countries own and fund the organisation. Formal construction started two years ago and will see a spend of Two Billion Euro over ten years of build.


Directors Reports and Announcements

Raelene - International
  • Global Hand in the process of organising the 2025 eye camp in Sri Lanka for either the week beginning 5th or 17th January.Car #31 in the BulldustNBack will be 'on the road again...'

Kelly - Club Service

  • District Assembly is on Sunday from 9am to 2pm, a great opportunity for an overview of Rotary in WA and the changes occuring with Regionalisation and the 2024-2025 Rotary theme.
  • RC of Como had a speaker from the Bali Water Project which RCMP donated to - a successful outcome has been reached and a project we should be proud of. More opportunities in the future to continue the connection.

Rick - Youth

  • Calling all the chefs and cooks for PICYS meals, containers available from Rick.

Geoff - Community

 President Veronica

  • Was invited to speak to RC of Ascot on the Sri Lanka eye project which resulted in several members wishing to become members of Global Hands.

It's Good News Week...

  • Tax cuts hit the news this week, so pay up if you were so lucky!
  • $300 electricity rebate for all home owners  - a dollar for every home you own!
  • What a kerfuffle - AI impersonating celebrities, politicians and loved ones on their social media accounts - so poke the pixels and pay up!

Winner of Heads and Tails

2 heads, 1 of each and 2 heads again, brought the bottle of booze to Diana Goh by Supreme (coin) Tosser Lew Thomas! Well done Diana and thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the weekly bottle!


45 attendees in all, including guest speaker Toastmasters International President Megan Mathieson; Rotarian Renee Poot (Esperance) and visitors David Mathieson, Ian and Maree Pickens, Jeff Zhang, Cathryn Collins, Lewis Ball, and Graham Nixon

Can you help - New member Diana Goh

Diana is seeking a career advisor panellist (with a career in the field economics, finance and accounting) to assist Morley Senior High School in their Career Week Symposium. 


The EOFY Economics, Accounting and Finance Symposium is being organised by the Humanities and Social Sciences department in collaboration with the Business and IT department of Morley Senior High School. 
This is the seventh year of organising this event and is a celebration of the end of the financial year. The theme of this year's symposium is "Bridging the Divide: Exploring Wealth Equity and Financial Innovation"
Date: Friday 21 June 2024 
Time : 11.35 am to 2.15 p.m.
Location : Morley Senior High School Library - Bramwell Rd, Noranda WA 6062. 

 Please contact Diana Goh at 0406 370 022 or if you are interested in participating.