Friday, May 24, 2024

Bulletin #43

When the President's away ... Rotary goes on as usual! (as it should)

"Kaalai Vanakkam" - Good Morning from wet, hot and humid Singapore! The 2024 International Convention is going well and so far approx 14,000+ Rotarians have descended on this beautiful City. 

Whilst Lew and Linda Thomas, and I have already managed to eat our way around Singapore, we're looking forward to bringing back some new Rotary ideas to use in our Club. But for now it's back to the Chilli Crab, Satay sticks and Tiger beer...

See you all next week!

Guest Speaker - Bella Olsen Masia (RYPEN)

Youth Service Director and meeting Host Rick Sneeuwjagt introduced Bella Olsen Masia, who we sponsored at the recent Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) camp. Bella was accompanied by her grandmother Jo.

Rick also noted Mandurah Rotary Club assisted us in sponsoring Michelle Lovkis’ granddaughter Scarlet at the same camp.

Bella addressed the club and spoke of the bonds she made at the camp, hopefully lifelong. Despite being initially nervous, she met other girls and their “small group” Purple was the best….

She enjoyed the fun and problem solving and found herself taking the lead, whereas she would normally follow. Bella found it comfortable to express her feelings and it has changed how she views friendships.

“Thank you to the Club”


Unsung Heroes

Chairperson Rick Sneeuwjagt hosted the 2023-24 Unsung Heroes Awards. These are our twelfth year of awards, where we acknowledge Not-For-Profit volunteers who are the lifeblood of our community.

As well as a plaque, Mill Point donates $500 to the Charity of their choice.


Peter and Peggy Marrett

Peggy and Peter Marrett have been supporters of the South Perth Senior Citizens Centre for years that maybe should be counted in decades.

Their key tasks have included delivering Meals on Wheels once a week to those people in the City of South Perth that rely on this service, and working in the kitchen at the Centre on Tuesdays to assist in feeding up to some sixty people in the dining hall.

But that’s the bare bones.

The Tuesday lunches usually include a significant amount of preparation on Monday. This volunteering may also require filling in as a waiter if the Centre finds itself short staffed at short notice at dinner time.  Here, Peggy and Peter may be found in a different role.  Having a Coles supermarket across the street may also find one of these helpers off on a shopping expedition.

Likewise, Meals on Wheels may sometimes, fortunately rarely, have the wrong meal delivered so a second run is needed, or another client may realise they forgot to order so could someone please bring out meals for the long weekend.

Peter and Peggy are always keen to assist.  They do their work with a friendly smile, efficiently, promptly and courteously.

They are well regarded and of great help to the Senior Citizens.

Their Charity of choice: The Smith Family


Dr Lyndall Steed

Lyndall has been a major contributor to a number of local community projects for many years. For a number of years she worked with people including our own Wayne Muller in planning the Rotary Ramble. Lyndall was also involved in manning the check points on the day of the event.

For 6 years Lyndall was the main bus driver for the South Perth Senior Citizens groups. This involved picking up the seniors from their homes and delivering them to the centre for lunch each Tuesday. 

It also involved planning and driving for lunches to “mystery” venues once a month.

For four years Lyndall was involved in the staffing of the Community Cinema at Burswood and at Curtin. This involved selling tickets, cooking sausages and setting up bean bags.

Lyndall has been a major contributor to the South Perth and Melville bridge clubs and has been Treasurer of South Perth Bridge Club for a number of years. As a voluntary activity this has meant monitoring and acquitting Club funds which exceed $500,000 per annum for a club of around 600 members.

Lyndall has directed formal bridge sessions at Melville and South Perth for at least 10 years.  These sessions involve in the order of up to 40 people at a time. She has also run short courses for new players.

In terms of the unsung Hero Award however, Lyndall’s most significant contribution at Melville and South Perth Bridge clubs has been helping new players, including Graham Rennie, transfer painlessly as possible from a formal lesson program to playing competitive bridge. This transition required considerable knowledge, patience, good humour (which she has in spades - did you see what I did there Lyndall) and strong sense of wanting to help people. 

Her Charity of choice: Wheelchairs for Kids

The Unsung Heroes


Director’s Reports and Announcements

 Brian (Vice President)

  • Peter Stevens out of hospital and back in Mandurah with one of his sons. Not ready for visitors yet.

  • 2024-25 Member Directory paper edition will be much reduced with personal information optional due to privacy/ID theft concerns. Draft example and proforma to be emailed to members for completion.


Wayne M (Bulldust N Back)

  • Wayne M advised that the launch for BNB 2024 will be held on Sunday 16 June. Alison has sent out an event flyer to all members and everyone is invited to come along and join in this fun occasion. He also announced he has a bumper sticker for Mark Jones’ bike.

Rick (PICYS)

  • More meals requested.
  • Thanks to Vic Stoyanoff, just returned and providing meals already.

Fines session – Joy (Burnett) to the world. Guiding Principle: fact is not a big issue.

  • First cab off the rank - Mr McCamey - a reminder that the intent for the morning orange juice is to drink it, not spill it. $1 in the box.
  • Today is Rose day, so anyone who has ever grown, received or given a rose(s) can put a $ in the box.
  • Both Dockers and Eagles have had a win so everyone can put a $ in the box to celebrate.
  • Who remembers Frank Ifield - $ in box. Most popular song  "I remember you-ou".
  • Today we celebrate National Scavenger Hunt Day. 4 in the box for anyone who participated in the RCMP Ramble.
  • The Rotary World Convention is on in Singapore at the moment- it’s where our traveling President currently is. Anyone who has been to a Rotary Convention needs to pay up.
  • Did anyone see a letter to the editor in this morning’s West from our own Mr Muller. Wayne didn’t. Anyone who has ever written to the Ed. needs to cough up.
  • What better way  to welcome home our resident (at times) cycling adventurer ? $ in the box please Mark.
  • So our very own Reggie is now married and very much a kept woman so she can afford to contribute to the box.
  • Geoff Longshore’s wedding anniversary is in a few days. We need to get $$s off him quickly before he spends big on the anniversary present and the impending move into the new pad.
  • Gorby bought the box. The son of a good friend was recently shot whilst in Afghanistan and was in a critical condition-most probably would have seen it on the news bulletins. The good news is that he is past the critical stage and is now responding well to treatment

Winner of Heads and Tails - Scott Dwyer



44 attendees in all, including guests Dr Lyndal Steed, Peter and Peggy Marrett, Jo and Bella Olsen, Maureen Hughes, Oz Haim, Kith Da Silva, Mandy Sneeuwjagt, Peggy Leung.

A good time was had by all!