Saturday, May 11, 2024

RCMP Bulletin #41

 The Week That Was...

  • It’s been an exciting week in the world for anniversaries - so here’s a few to jog your memories!
  • Coca Cola was sold publicly for the first time at Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia – cocaine and all… (1886)
  • VE Day: World War II ends in Europe after Nazi Germany formally surrenders (1945)
  • The Beatles releasing their final album Let It Be (1970)
  • the World Health Organization announcing the eradication of smallpox (1980)
  • World  Red Cross Day
  • Opening of the first parliament of Australia (1901)
  • Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa in 1994
  •  India’s population reached 1 billion (2000)
  • In 1960, the US was the first country to legalise the birth control pill – a bit late for some - a few of us escaped it!

Guest Speaker David Rowell "Alpha Piper Disaster"

David began working in the Oil and Gas industry with WAPET in Perth in 1972. He finished working full time in the industry with Woodside Energy
in 2003.
In those 31 years he has held many positions in several different Projects.
With Woodside they were mainly related to the North West Shelf and included a 2 year secondment to Shell in the UK. David has filled the role of Production Supt on North Rankin Platform and subsequently as Woodside’s Safety Manager. These two roles in particular give him the background and insight to present an overview of the Piper Alpha Disaster in the North Sea and its effect on Safety Management ever since.

Piper Alpha was a North Sea Platform operated by Occidental JV, with oil production commencing in 1976.

In the Offshore Platform environment, it is a compact multi-level facility completely surrounded by water. It has self-managed Emergency Response with the main means of personnel movement by Helicopter.


Piper Alpha was part of a web of Pipelines connecting it to other nearby Offshore platforms and facilities.

The Claymore and Tartan gas pipelines will play a major part in the sequence of events that followed.

Earlier the operating Condensate pump had tripped. This resulted in the back up pump being started. That pump had been undergoing relief valve service that day and there was a temporary flange installed. It was this flange where the initial Condensate leak occurred. How?  The Permit to Work system would usually prevent such an oversight but an ineffective handover at 6pm in the Control Room meant it was unclear that the second pump was not operable.   

Not knowing that Communication and Power systems were disabled on Piper, Claymore and Tartan platform superintendents were assuming that Piper Alpha was handling the Emergency. They continued their operations.

At 10:00 on 6th July 1988 the flange leak ignited and exploded. The Control room and communications were completely disabled.

A large gas riser failed after approx. ½ hour causing catastrophic escalation of the incident. Due to the extreme heat there and no deluge in place, there was a failure of Gas containment and a huge fire ball resulted. A few support vessels were gathering to assist and help retrieve survivors but had to retreat at this stage. 

The subsequent Public Enquiry determined that after around 2 hours the Platform was completely disabled and disintegrating and that 165 workers had perished. Also 2 maritime rescuers died.

Most died from smoke asphyxiation and many from burns and falls often resulting in drowning.

There were 61 survivors. Of these, 28 jumped and were rescued and 20 divers in the below deck module escaped.

A few days later on there was nothing visible on the surface where a huge Facility existed just days before.

The UK Government called for a comprehensive Public Enquiry and appointed Lord Cullen as its Chair. This resulted in the Cullen Report which recommended wide ranging changes to the Regulatory regime, Risk Management and Safety Management Systems.

Survivors, Families and Co-workers lobbied hard for greater awareness of Industry practices and for full implementation of Cullen’s Recommendations.

Most offshore Operators and Regulators activated immediate reviews of their systems in advance of the full report release. 

Gerry McGann and Angus Florence then joined David to take questions.

As a Geologist in the Oil and gas field, Gerry had been in Aberdeen, Scotland when the accident happened.

Angus had been on an adjacent oil rig about 80 kilometres away at the time. He recollected hearing the radio chatter as the emergency occurred, then all went quiet. As the Piper Alpha was just over the horizon, there was no smoke or fire visible.

As all three commented, they had “skin in the game” with this accident.

David’s full presentation can be viewed at:>members only (password)>this link> Guest Speaker Presentations>ROWELL David – Piper Alpha Disaster

Directors Reports and Announcements

Dietmar (Fundraising)

  • Final committee meeting for this year after breakfast.

Ian (Community)

  • John Mansfield seeking sponsors for his CEO sleepout every year which supports the homeless - see events for QR code to donate.

  • Joint event with RC of Como on 20 May - volunteers wanted, contact Ian 0419 896 305.

Wayne (BNB)

  • BNB bumper stickers on each table - please use to advertise this great event - give one to your friends and family!
  • Full surveys now completed by Charlie B, Rick S, Wayne M, Ian K and Kelly G.
  • Bunnings event supplied the goods for auction after fines session.

David (Update)

  • Peter Stevens doing well and should transfer out of hospital next week to assisted living. Sent his thanks and best wishes to RCMP members.

Geoff (Event)

  • Endeavour Awards now open on the TryBooking Site for 12 June, cost $45 pp for a sumptious meal - Book now or miss out.

Kelly (Club Service)

  • Meeting today following breakfast
  • Thank you note from Roger Davey's family

Three Fines and an Auction

 Wayne the Elder fossicked around to find the felonies to inflate club funds with filthy lucre! 
  • Pres Veronica for 'alleging' Charlie Burnett was the recipient of a major award when it was his mate!
  • Raelene George for forgetting her mate Andy was present!
  • Kelly Gillen trying to be coooool by using shorthand text messages - which confused Wayne no end!

Garrick McCamey auctioned off the loot which was donated to Wayne by Bunnings. Cute teddies, blocks of chocolate, hats, coffee cups and food wraps raised approx $150 for Wayne's superannuation fund!


43 attendees in all, including visiting Rotarians Linda McLerie (EWA club & Kalgoorlie), David Musara (Subiaco) and Bill Boekman (Wongan Hills) as well as visitors Andy George and John O'Sullivan (jnr).