Monday, August 5, 2024

Bulletin #5 2024

 Presidential communiqué

In his excitement surrounding the belated presentation of PHF awards to Raelene George and John O'Sullivan, President Kelly meant to announce a very important appointment for the club - that Veronica Lawrance has accepted the role of Membership Director for 2024-25, demonstrating once again that it is impossible to hold a good Rotarian down. The Board expressed their appreciation for Veronica's commitment, given that this role has never been more important for the future of the club. Kelly then went on to present belated PHFs to two very well deserving members.

PHF Presentations

A Paul Harris award is not given lightly, it signifies a Rotarian’s commitment to their Club through a number of activities, events and projects. It reflects on their leadership skills such as mentoring new Rotarians in sharing their knowledge as well as mentoring Rotarians who are taking up new challenges within the Club. It’s about sharing experiences within and without Rotary and sometimes putting a hand up when time and resources are tight.

It’s about quality of service as well as quantity, the number of Directorships held, deputising on committees and upholding Rotary’s values and ethics.

Our belated PHF awardees are great examples of all these things.

Raelene George - long standing Rotarian of 30 years.

Formerly a charter member and past President of a Rotary Club in the wild, wild west. During which time she was working full-time with young children of her own as well as being a Director in the family engineering business.

Some of the portfolios Raelene has held are:

·      President

·      Secretary

·      Vice President

·      Club Director

·      International Director

·      Past Assistant District Governor

When the family moved to Perth Raelene joined the Rotary Club of Mill Point. Within a month of joining she was seeking out projects in which to participate. At the time RCMP was a large Club with over 70 members  and was very active in community activities. 

No surprise then that since she joined in 2012, Raelene has been

·      Rotarian of the Year 2017-2018

·      Secretary and Attendance Officer

·      Assistant District Governor for District 9465

·      Camp Inspiration nurse 2023

·      BulldustNBack medic 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023.

·      Acuity tester at Eyecare camps in Sri Lanka annually since 2018 (and ongoing)

Well done Raelene on your PHF+2.


John O'Sullivan - joined Rotary in 1992, but has had 40 years in Rotary, now that must be a milestone to be reckoned with.

During this time, John has held important positions - and not just for one year -  such as, Club Treasurer from 2013 – 2018 and Club Secretary 1995 – 1996 then 2021 – 2024 as well serving on Vocational, Club Service, Membership, International, Bulletin editor, Community committees and being the Finesmaster. John was also Rotarian of the year in 2015-2016.

John is also a font of knowledge on all things constitution and by- laws, beavering away in the background, it's noticeable by the way in which they say little but take in a lot and always, always can recall conversations and the details.

Some would say John is ‘old school’ and that’s OK with us as we experience constant change and it's always good to have the ‘roots’ of our club firmly planted .

Congratulations John on your PHF+4 .

Guest Speaker - Sharon Gleeson, Wellness and Nutrition

Sharon Gleeson is an experienced Health Coach. She works with busy executives, leaders and teams across a range of industries to provide education, coaching and support to help people create a sustainable healthy lifestyle that enables them to perform at their best in their career and every aspect of their life. 

Sharon understands the challenges people are faced with - the difficulty of finding time to exercise, prepare healthy meals, manage stress and generally live a healthy, well-balanced life.

In her opening remarks Sharon, Sharon joined the spirit of our Olympics-themed Fines session and acknowledged once being on a podium…third in the team Rottnest Channel swim at age 44.

The first thing people normally say to her on learning she is a Health Coach is “I don’t normally eat this, you are going to tell me what I have on my plate is wrong…” But she is not that person. She never judges people, there is not one best lifestyle. It’s about figuring out what is right for us. With all these modern diet issues such as gluten and dairy, it’s really people figuring out what they want for health and what’s right for them. Also, it’s about their happiness.

Health is really about looking after our physical wellbeing, our mental wellbeing and our emotional wellbeing. A recent Allianz study found 77% of people are experiencing burnout. It is related to stress but resonates in our body as well. So, as a Health Coach, it is about helping people with all of those different aspects of life.

As the mother of two girls, a 22 year old and 19 year old, Sharon has done the “Mum Juggle” thing and is now really happy helping people to feel their healthiest and happiest. 

To quote Deepak Chopra “Whether we realize it or not, all of us are responsible for creating the body we live in”. So, if there is only one thing to take away from today, is that your health is in your hands. It is about being the one being responsible for your health, such as getting regular health checkups, making sure you manage stress, taking time for yourself and having really healthy boundaries, At any age or stage of life, it is important to focus on those things important in maintaining that balance physically, emotionally and mentally.

Sharon then related a study that Alzheimers WA are doing, relating to gut health, often referred to as the “second brain”. This 12 month trial involved people:

-       eating a certain healthy diet

-       exercising (via gym membership)

-       have a certain amount of sleep each night

-       doing some brain exercises

This was not about taking a pill, it was about doing all the things we should be doing and keeping the brain active.

Sharon then took members through a questionnaire type Health Check In. It is all about what can we do better? The scores were then transposed on a Health Wheel.

For people it is good to have all the information, but people need to act on it. It is that wellness equation knowing-doing. Sharon encouraged people to approach this from a place of curiosity. What can I do to make some change?

In relating her father’s decline from Parkinson’s Disease, Sharon stressed we can’t change genetics, some of the things that happen to us but need to focus on the things we can control. Her motivation in taking care of her health is to live a long and healthy life, to travel when she’s older, to play with her grandkids.


Sleep is very important, as is managing stress and self-care (staying connected, keeping active). Nutrition is very important, not skipping meals and eating the right foods.

Another good way to stay connected is Mentoring. It is such a wonderful gift to give. At this stage of life people have so many talents to share. A lot of this has been lost with technology. Next week’s Speaker is from Mentor It Forward, what a follow up…..


Sharon entertained a number of questions from the floor. There was discussion on the amount of food people eat. Do people have enough energy, but are hungry and snacking at night? Are they having enough protein? Women in particular don’t have enough protein. Sharon then gave examples of the best way to “fill your Plate”


In closing, Sharon stressed it is about small changes and balance. Enjoy life. Friday is still pizza night at her house with a glass of wine….


Sharon’s presentation can be viewed at:>members only (password)> this link>Guest Speaker Presentations>GLEESON Sharon – Wellness and Nutrition

Directors Reports and Announcement

Astrid (Youth)

  • Applications for RYLA, RYPEN and NYSF now open

Brian (Club Service)

  • Club service meeting after breakfast

Veronica (Membership)

  • First membership committee meeting next week after breakfast

Guess Who's Coming To Dinner?

  • Saturday 7 September. Please advise if you are attending or wish to host

Rick (Community)

  • BIG thanks to Vic, Dianna and Gorby for their contributions to PICYS meals. Keep 'em coming everyone, the freezer is looking good!

Ross (Community)

  • Ronald McDonald House 'Home for Dinner' last weekend was a great success and presented President Kelly with a Certificate of Appreciation.

Jenny (Sewing sisters)

  • Hamper raffle last week raised $231 for the project - thanks to everyone who bought tickets.

A Fine(s) Olympic performance

Our pocket-rocket Jenny McLean gave an 'Olympic' performance in fining members for their 'Olympic' gaffes...

  • Anyone who has ever been a podium grandstander!
  • A good week for Aussie's on the medal front so all Walkers, Swimmers, (BMX) Cyclists, Shooters and Kayakers - pay up.
  • Winners ARE grinners - Mr Muller, winner of last week's raffle.
  • French Olympian Horse Rider M Collé - long lost cousin (?) of  Mike Collett? A dollar from you Michael.

Winner of Heads and Tails

Two H&Ts, and other variations from our Tosser of the week, President Kelly, saw our winner of the wine Ken Pittman grin like the winner he is!


35 attendees in all, including guest speaker Sharon, and visitors Robyn Conway and Alan Jameson.