Saturday, August 17, 2024

Bulletin #7 16 August 2024

 President Kelly

The meeting commenced with a HUGE round of applause for
Peter Stevens who left his hospital bed to visit today and President Kelly expressed commiserations for Mike Collett who has Covid.

Peter was warmly welcomed by all members who were delighted to see him after his long absence.





Guest Speaker - Lydia Wong CSR and Sustainability

Our newest Club member Lydia Wong was born and raised in Malacca, Malaysia. Growing up in a family with a strong emphasis on education, her first career move was in journalism. After moving to Shell, some great mentors taught her the importance of resilience, effective communication and leadership with empathy.

Her Masters was followed by a PhD in Organisational Behavior. Lydia founded her NGO, Volunteers Unite and has become an expert in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG). This led to her starting her own consultancy, LMW Consulting, focusing on Sustainability and ESG.

Lydia relocated to Perth with her husband Philip. As well as joining Mill Point Rotary Club, she is serving on non-profit Boards and seeking out volunteering opportunities.

In opening, Lydia defined Sustainability - the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

In short – it’s like kind of like trying not to eat all the cookies today so there’s some left for tomorrow. Easier said than done, right?

Lydia related a little story from her childhood -

“My dad and my grandpa were incredibly resourceful. One day, they decided to build a swing for us kids. But instead of buying a new one, they used what they had around the house—scrap metals from an old fence, some poles from the yard, and leftover paint. This swing, made entirely from scrap materials, became the centrepiece of our backyard. It provided endless hours of fun, but more importantly, it taught us a valuable lesson about upcycling—finding new uses for old things.

It’s a small example, but it planted the seeds of sustainability in me long before the term was popular.”

They were leaving us a legacy—a lesson in resourcefulness and stewardship of the world around us. … it’s the small, thoughtful actions that leave the most enduring legacy.

Lydia introduced us to a new term Upcycling – the creative transformation of old or unused items into higher- quality or more valuable products.

Many examples of her own innovative personal Upcycling were showcased from her creations of home furniture items and the décor of her four Nyonya restaurants in Kuala Lumpur.

 Lydia then took us on a journey through the various “hats I've worn in my career."

First, the CSR  (Corporate Social Responsibility) hat.  A focus was on values—doing good, giving back to the community, and building a strong, ethical brand.

Second,  the ESG (Environment, Social, Governance) hat. Suddenly, it was all about numbers and data, which felt like moving from a free-spirited art class to a serious math exam. investors were watching closely, and our actions had direct financial implications.

Finally, the Sustainability hat, which is a combination of both CSR and ESG. This role is about balancing values with data, playing by both our own rules and those set by external standards. It’s like having your cake and eating it too—using both numbers and values to make a real impact.

Lydia doesn’t do it alone, she has a team. Juggling CSR, ESG and Sustainability is like being a circus performer. Except instead of juggling balls, “I’m juggling spreadsheets, and instead of applause, I get compliance reports!”

Her legacy is also the team she has built over the years. We often talk about leaving a legacy in terms of the tangible things we leave behind—assets, achievements—but the most meaningful legacies are the ones we leave in the hearts and minds of others.

It’s the values we impart, the behaviors we model, and the world we help shape for future generations.

75% of Australians are worried about Climate Change. For us in WA, paying attention to ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) is crucial now more than ever. As climate risks increasingly influence global markets, companies and communities in Perth must proactively adapt to these changes. Regulatory pressures and physical risks from climate change can directly impact local industries, particularly agriculture and resources, which are vital to Perth’s economy.

Lydia then gave many examples of the easy things we can do  for Sustainability -  Recycling, Upcycling and Energy Saving, sharing knowledge and leading by example.

Small steps, big impact.

Lydia’s presentation and many examples of her work can be viewed at:>members only (password)> this link>Guest Speaker Presentations>WONG Lydia – Simple Steps to Sustainability

How do we feel about Sustainability….?


Directors Reports and Announcement

Veronica : 

  • Guess Who's Coming to Dinner? Two (2) additional hosts wanted for between 4-8 guests on Saturday 7 September. Please let Veronica know if you are able to host or wish to attend as a guest. At the moment we have more guests than hosts. 0409 035 343 or


  • Youth meeting after breakfast in the members lounge.
  • Candidates wanted for RYPEN and RYLA. Please nominate any student you know who would benefit from these excellent Youth programs.

Ken P :

  • Has an upright piano he would like to gift to anyone who can use it/wants it. Call Ken on 0411 770 135
  • Reminder - password for the members only section on the website  will change on 1 September. You will be sent a private email to remind you, otherwise see Brian or Veronica.


  • BulldustNBack is on after a slow start. Pleae promote as much as you can and if not entereing a car, we'd love to see you as a vocational/volunteer. Final lunch will be at Pasta in The Valley on Sunday 13 October. Overnights are Dalwallinu (Thursday 10th and Friday 11th) and Northam (Saturday 12th). Fee free to join us. If you wish to take part but don't have a car, then we are in need of navigators to accompany drivers.


  • Fundriasing meeting after BNB meeting next week.


  • Coffee in members lounge after breakfast.

Peter Stevens:

  • Thank you to everyone for their support since Melva's passing,
    and during the last couple of months he has been in hospital. Peter has a VAD in place but wants everyone to know he has had a sensational 15 years at Mill Point and treasures the friends he has made. Peter is encouraging his (5) sons to join Rotary and to enter into the BNB.


Wayne the Elder was in a Fine(s) mood today!

  • Lyn M - holding the copper kettle in his hands but also because it is his and Margaret's wedding anniversary.
  • 16th of August is 'Tell A Joke' day so a fine for all the jokers out there.
  • 1501 - Anniversary of the commissioning of Michaelangelo's 'David' so anyone who fancies themselves as the model or is named David to pay up.
  • 2012 - Julian Assange granted asylum in Ecuador - if you remember this it will cost you a $
  • 2012 - Anyone who knew the winner of the 100m dash in the Beijing Olympics? (nobody knew nor did Wayne, it was in fact Usain Bolt)
  • Fans of Madonna - it's her birthday after all (she's 63 if you knew you paid!)
  • 229th day of the year with only 137 more to go till the end of the year -137 and 229 are both prime numbers.  137 is a twin prime because 139 is also prime (separated to 2)

    1 divided by 229 give a recurring never-ending string of numbers.

    As we know, 22 divided by 7, is a close approximation of Pi, giving a relationship between radius and circumference of a circle

    1 divided by 137 is a close approximation of 1 divided by 137.03599913.  This gives a gauge of how charged elementary particles, like electrons, interact with light's photons. (at which time everyone who was still awake boo-ed Wayne off)

    However he stated that if everyone put a dollar in the centre he'd will stop talking and become Tosser of the day!

Winner of Heads and Tails

 2 x Tails; 2 x Tails, a heads and a tail and the grog went to John O'Sullivan!


35 attendees in all, including guest speaker Lydia and visitor Gabby