Monday, August 12, 2024

Bulletin #6 2024

 Presidential Ponderings

Today is International Cat's Day (Meow) as well as Happiness Day and on that note our own "happy" Mike was called on to tell us who was celebrating happy birthdays and anniversaries. 

President Kelly then called up Lew Thomas to receive his PHF+3.

"A Paul Harris award is not given lightly, it signifies a Rotarian’s commitment to their Club through a number of activities, events and projects. It reflects on their leadership skills such as mentoring new Rotarians in sharing their knowledge as well as mentoring Rotarians who are taking up new challenges within the Club. It’s about sharing experiences within and without Rotary and sometimes putting a hand up when time and resources are tight and  partners may be  thinking otherwise!

It’s about quality of service as well as quantity, the number of Directorships held, deputising on committees and upholding Rotary’s values and ethics.

It gives me great pleasure this morning to award Lew Thomas his PHF+3.

Lew is a great example of all these things, and whilst unable to be at our changeover,  his 31 years of service above self is prominent.

Lew has been a Past President of the Club in 2014-2015, and has held multiple Directorships - Membership, Youth, International, Community, Club Service, Fundraising, back to Membership and is also a Director of our Charity Trust.

He is a negotiator extraordinaire, a calming presence, softly spoken yest able to command attention. He has supported this Club through thick and thin and is always ready to jump in when a problem arises.

Congratulations  Lew!


Guest Speaker Haim Oz - Mentor It Forward (MIF)

Haim Oz, Founder and President of Mentor it Forward was introduced by Host Lydia Wong. Lydia met Haim through LinkedIn and was grateful he didn’t take her for a scammer…. She is now a member of MiF thanks to Haim.

Haim founded Mentor it Forward one year ago, as a non-profit organisation that endeavours to promote professional growth and facilitate valuable connections. In talking to many individuals and organisations, the one thing he noticed is our passion and the things that drive us are contagious and infectious. He hopes everyone here feels the same. It pleased him to hear our previous speaker on Nutrition and Wellbeing mentioned the importance of Mentorship.

Haim’s presentation is included in full below:


"I founded Mentor it Forward exactly one year ago (2nd of August

2023), and the most exciting thing I've noticed after working with so many people and organisations, is that our passion and what drives us is addictive and contagious. When people learn about who we are, what we do, and why we do what we do, many feel inspired to get involved.

"Well, I bet most of you will, too. Because at our core, we pursue doing good in the world, and what better way is there than paying it forward?"

Chapter 1 – Restart

"I immigrated to Australia with my wife and two kids nine years ago, in August 2015. I had a long-lasting career overseas in various technology fields, both in technical and managerial roles, so I was optimistic and confident in my ability to integrate into the local workforce and find a new job.

"As optimistic as I was, this was not a simple task. It involved a new environment, a new market, a different culture, and unfamiliar processes, all compounded by the tough job market in WA in 2015. I decided to call out for assistance from those around me and was amazed to see the willingness to help, even though I was new in town. Whether it was introducing me to people from the industry, connecting me with their network, adapting my CV to the Australian style, getting me used to consuming many cups of coffee during the day, or realising that every meeting starts with 5 minutes of chit-chat about the weekend before getting to the point.… it all helped me land my first role as a General Manager of a local consulting firm in a short period of time".

Chapter 2 – Reflection

"During the 8 years since my arrival in Australia, I’ve been fortunate enough to identify and pursue great career opportunities. I’ve taken on different roles and worked in most sectors and industries locally and nationally. I hired, managed, trained, worked with and worked for amazing people and was always conscious of the journey I’ve been through, including its struggles and hurdles.

"Reflecting on the many experiences that have shaped me since my arrival, I've come to understand that my journey, filled with its challenges and growth, is not exclusive to me.

Many individuals experience similar hurdles - feelings of frustration, a sense of being overwhelmed, and a need for guidance and direction.

  • It may be fresh university graduates trying to navigate the professional world,

  • newcomers settling in a foreign land,

  • or individuals re-entering the workforce after a significant break, such as parents resuming work post parental leave.

"Their struggle is genuine and often tiring. Interestingly, on the other side of this spectrum, we have industry veterans - professionals who have weathered similar storms, overcome them, and, in the process, gained valuable knowledge and insights. More importantly, many have the desire and willingness to share with their surroundings. It made me wonder, what if we could create a supportive environment that brings these two sides closer together to empower and guide each other?

"So, last June 2023, I decided to take a break from work. I said my goodbyes to my employer and looked for ways I could give back to the community by tackling the gap I experienced. That’s where Mentor it Forward, or, as I like to call it, MiF, was founded".

Chapter 3 – MiF

"The idea was simple: create a supportive environment where people seeking assistance and guidance to jump-start or further grow their careers can receive support from industry leaders who wish to share their experience and guide others.

We then created MiF’s Community Mentoring program, with one mandate as our guiding light! Any mentee can participate in the program for free, and mentors are always volunteers. This ensures everyone’s best intentions are upheld.

"From that point, things began to ramp up. I bounced the idea off a few colleagues and organisations to hear their thoughts and was amazed to see their interest and desire to get involved. People were drawn to the concept, and very quickly, we had a few partners and a line up of interested mentors. A small group of us designed a mentoring framework, adopted technological solutions, created content, procedures and policies and opened the doors for the public to join, during a big conference last year (August 2023).

"The news spread rapidly, and within several weeks, we exceeded 100 participants, with mentors and mentees from all over Australia (and a few other countries such as HK, Singapore, NZ, China, Saudi Arabia, the UK, Israel, and the US). Unlike other Mentoring programs, we pride ourselves on having a structured and guided program where the human factor is key (As much as we value and appreciate technology, not everything should be done with AI). Each applicant submits a detailed self-assessment capturing their background, experience, challenges, and aspirations and then has a one-on-one interview with one of our team members, who will then identify the perfect match.

The new pair will be onboarded into our platform and embark on a three-month journey consisting of six one-on-one sessions. The agenda is guided and structured, and the MiF team will support the pair throughout their journey.

"Numbers don’t lie and to date…

• Mentorship Programs: Over 100 mentorships have been facilitated, connecting experienced professionals with aspiring individuals across various industries.

• Community Engagement: MiF has hosted and participated in several community events and workshops, reaching over 1,000 participants.

• Career Growth: More than 60% of MiF mentees have reported career advancements, including promotions and new job opportunities, as a direct result of our programs.

• Partnerships: MiF’s partner network is constantly growing, adding businesses and organisations from all over the business ecosystem (private and public sectors), enhancing its ability to provide diverse opportunities and resources".

Chapter 4 – Employment Inclusivity

"Our journey so far feels like an avalanche. While acknowledging the positive impact on any individuals in our community, we saw the need to scale our efforts and impact by harnessing the power of the broader business ecosystem. We realised that working with a single individual at a time is not scalable and therefore developed a new ambitious program called Employment Inclusivity.

"Simply put, it is designed to support individuals from diverse backgrounds in finding and succeeding in their careers. In addition to our mentoring services, the new program provides comprehensive training, internships, and job opportunities to enhance skill development and career progression. This program aims to close gaps in skills and job access, creating a more equitable and inclusive workforce.

"We do that by getting our business community together, with each organisation taking an active role. Whether it’s universities and vocational colleges preparing their students for the workforce or businesses from various industries working with MiF on creating internship and employment opportunities, it is the collective effort that can really make a difference. Organisations are encouraged to join MiF's partner network as sponsors to support this initiative. By becoming a sponsor, organisations contribute to building a stronger, more diverse workforce while gaining access to a pool of talented individuals who have been trained and mentored to meet industry standards. It isa chance for businesses to make a significant social impact and support the professional journeys of many aspiring professionals".

Epilogue – What’s next?

"As we look ahead, MiF's journey is just beginning. The strides we've made in the past year are living proof of the power of community, mentorship, and the unwavering belief in every individual's potential.

We aim to create a robust network of support that encompasses the entire business ecosystem. This is where you come in. As leaders in the business community, past and present, your involvement can be the catalyst that drives our mission forward.

Support can come in many ways, and each one is welcome:

• Encourage your organisations to become sponsors, helping to fuel the growth of our programs.

• Spread the word—share our mission with your networks and inspire others to join our cause.

• Get directly involved by becoming a mentor and guiding the next generation of professionals.

Every contribution count, and together, we can make a lasting impact".


Directors Reports and Announcements

  • Veronica - Guess Who is Coming to Dinner 7th September.
  • Please indicate if you wish to host (and how many extra people you would like) or dine (and your +1 name). You won't know who you are hosting or where you will be eating until the last minute!

  • Membership committee meeting after breakfast in the café.
  • Scott - RPGC have made available the Café for Rotarians to use for a catch up/fellowship or their committee meetings, each week.
  • Brian J - The password for the Members Only page on the website will be changed as from 1 September. BJ to send out via email as this will not be put in the Bulletin for confidentiality reasons.

Another Fine(s) Mess Miss Joy Got Us Into!

  • President Kelly for not knowing the date.
  • AFL supporters not immune to the fines masters wrath, so Dockers supporters for the Loss last week (he-he), AND Eagles supporters for the Win (Ha-Ha)! 
  • Anyone who was at the Royal Perth Yacht Club supporting our own Matt Wearn.
  • Bleary eyed Rotarians who stayed up and watched our Olympians - guilty as charged watching Tennis and Golf!
  • All rice pudding lovers and those who love to read - well it is National Rice Pudding day AND Book Lovers Day.
  • 50 years ago today Richard Nixon resigned as President of the USA - so if you're over 50 - pay up!
  • Wayne Muller for going the whole hog and organising an Olympic Croquet event.
  • David Rowell - champion golfer setting trend with Brian Adams who can pay up too.
  • Usual suspects from the checked shirt brigade
  • Lew Thomas who went overboard with his checked Lumber Jacket.
  • Gorby who would forget his head if it wasn't screwed on - won the quiz a couple of weeks ago and then forgot his prize!
  • Lew Thomas bought the box for ratting on Warren McCamey's illegal parking on a fellow Rotarian's lawn and incurring a hefty fine from the Ranger. The twist is that the fellow Rotarian's wife was late for Book Club and saw said car on lawn, threw a hissy fit and reported to Ranger not knowing who's car it was or that Warren had gone to dinner with husband!

Winner of Heads and Tails

Guest 'Tosser' of the week was visiting ex-member Mark Jones who gave it his all, ensuring NO-ONE won the coveted bottle of grog, kindly supplied by Lyn and Margaret Metcalf! Now that MUST be a first!

Attendance -  35 attendees in all, including guest speaker Haim Oz and visiting ex-member Mark Jones.