Monday, July 29, 2024

Bulletin #4 2024

 From the President

Half way through the year and we have already heard from and seen some great speakers! Today is no exception with a presentation from one of our own (ex) members Mark Jones. As we approach the Membership and New Club Development month of August it seems fitting that Mark leads the way, and by the way - member Peter Stevens sends his best wishes and thanks for all your support, kind thoughts and visits. We're thinking of you Pete!

Guest Speaker Mark Jones - Cairo to Cape Town Cycle Trip

Mark's PowerPoint presentation included a comprehensive collection of his photos taken along the way. He's a cyclist and adventurer, former long-time member of Mill Point and 40 year Rotarian (counting New Zealand). The only thing he has been doing longer is ride bicycles, first to school then to work in the building industry.

By own admission, he gets agitated when he doesn’t ride.


Many will remember his memorable “Who am I” when he brought in a couple of his bikes and gear and told us numerous times to ”never pay full price”….


His cycling trips have included Camino de Compostela through Spain and from one end of Portugal to the other. Africa was a challenge he could not resist.


Mark’s presentation took us through his reason for doing the trip, the many adventures the tour group experienced and his very insightful observations on Africa and its people. His PowerPoint included a comprehensive collection of his photos taken along the way


The trip was organised by Tour D’Afrique (TDA). The tour group were aged from 27 to 75. Of the 41 who started in Cairo, 31 finished due to accidents and ill health. 5 of the cyclists contracted Malaria after stopping their preventative medication because of the side effects of nightmares…


As observed by Mark, many of the group are still in contact with each other. The bonding was far greater than you might experience on a cruise.

 The route had to bypass Sudan and Ethiopia, covering a distance of 9,500 Km and camping all the way. The journey took 4.5 months with between 130 to 217 kilometres ridden every day. Rest days were every 4, 5 or 6 days.

The camping gear would be taken ahead and only necessary gear taken on the bikes. Mark related he had the cheapest but best tent. 3-man size taking “3 seconds to erect”, built into the groundsheet and no pegs required…enough room to keep the bike inside to prevent it being stolen!


Mark’s observations of Africa:


-       You are entering a different world and have to adapt.

-       Standards are a lot lower than you are used to.

-       It’s a subsistence economy. Food is produced to survive and a little extra to sell.

-       Things don’t happen in a hurry.

-       Very few goods a new. Second hand clothes from Europe, USA, Australia etc.

-       Maintenance is not an African strong point.

-       You have to get used to the value of money.

-       Water is in short supply after four years of drought.

-       The birth rate is very high, young mothers everywhere.

-       Keeping young men employed is a problem.

-       Mobile phones have introduced people to the European way and they want it…

-       Welfare mentality with children asking for money.

-       Not a lot of electricity available in villages.

-       A fair amount of corruption.

-       Avoid elephants!

-       Theft is a big issue.


Before and After:


So where to next? Estonia to Gibraltar in July next year.


Mark’s presentation and collection of photos from his journey can be viewed at:>members only (password)> this link>Guest Speaker Presentations>JONES Mark – Cairo to Capetown.

Directors Reports and Announcement

Rick S.

  • Tree planting a great success. 6,000 trees planted. Thanks to everyone who helped out.
  • PICYS - please continue to supply and thanks to those who do.
  • Bread run - local pizzeria helper now collecting end cuts of salami/sausages (which can't be put on pizza) and recycling for soup at the Haven.

Scott D.

  • RPGC now open for coffee in the gully after meeting. No need to go to Angelo Street. No need to be a member.

Brian J.

  • New membership directory still available, please pick up yours now.

Kelly G.

  • Pete Stevens still in Hollywood and undergoing a bout of Chemo, Visitors welcome!

Peter D.

  • Entertainment book alive and well, get yours today or put up a poster at your place of work. $65 with many benefits and club still gets a cut. See Peter D for your copy.

Another Fine(s) mess you all got into!

Wayne the Elder took to the microphone amongst slow but (nearly) audible handclaps!

  • Derby Day - everyone who does NOT support the dockers or the Eagles
  • We may well soon have Kamala Haris as one of the most powerful people on our Earth - so $ from every lady please!
  • In the role of President Elect we have TWO - PP Gerry MGann and PP David Rowell. A coin for each PP who DID NOT step forward.
  • Mark Jones - Born to Ride!
  • Brian Adams - dobbing in Peta Charles (shh)
  • David Tyler, Ian Walker, Angus Florence, Peter Dowling - could pose as visitors (not been for a while)
  • John McGrath - harbouring a criminal who caused chaos in traffic? Police out to arrest the scoundrel, John wanted to sign him up as a member after hiding out in the Bowing Club loo!

Winner of Heads and Tails and The Sewing Sisters' Raffle


Wayne the Elder was our tosser of the day with 2 x heads, 2 x tails, a head and a tail and the winner was Lydia Wong with hand on head! 

UNBELIEVABLE - in true fashion Wayne the Elder became Wayne the Winner as he predicted winning the raffle with his Red L20 ticket - AND HE DID!


37 attendees in all, including guest speaker Mark Jones, and visitor Robyn Conway.