Friday, May 24, 2024

Bulletin #43

When the President's away ... Rotary goes on as usual! (as it should)

"Kaalai Vanakkam" - Good Morning from wet, hot and humid Singapore! The 2024 International Convention is going well and so far approx 14,000+ Rotarians have descended on this beautiful City. 

Whilst Lew and Linda Thomas, and I have already managed to eat our way around Singapore, we're looking forward to bringing back some new Rotary ideas to use in our Club. But for now it's back to the Chilli Crab, Satay sticks and Tiger beer...

See you all next week!

Guest Speaker - Bella Olsen Masia (RYPEN)

Youth Service Director and meeting Host Rick Sneeuwjagt introduced Bella Olsen Masia, who we sponsored at the recent Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN) camp. Bella was accompanied by her grandmother Jo.

Rick also noted Mandurah Rotary Club assisted us in sponsoring Michelle Lovkis’ granddaughter Scarlet at the same camp.

Bella addressed the club and spoke of the bonds she made at the camp, hopefully lifelong. Despite being initially nervous, she met other girls and their “small group” Purple was the best….

She enjoyed the fun and problem solving and found herself taking the lead, whereas she would normally follow. Bella found it comfortable to express her feelings and it has changed how she views friendships.

“Thank you to the Club”


Unsung Heroes

Chairperson Rick Sneeuwjagt hosted the 2023-24 Unsung Heroes Awards. These are our twelfth year of awards, where we acknowledge Not-For-Profit volunteers who are the lifeblood of our community.

As well as a plaque, Mill Point donates $500 to the Charity of their choice.


Peter and Peggy Marrett

Peggy and Peter Marrett have been supporters of the South Perth Senior Citizens Centre for years that maybe should be counted in decades.

Their key tasks have included delivering Meals on Wheels once a week to those people in the City of South Perth that rely on this service, and working in the kitchen at the Centre on Tuesdays to assist in feeding up to some sixty people in the dining hall.

But that’s the bare bones.

The Tuesday lunches usually include a significant amount of preparation on Monday. This volunteering may also require filling in as a waiter if the Centre finds itself short staffed at short notice at dinner time.  Here, Peggy and Peter may be found in a different role.  Having a Coles supermarket across the street may also find one of these helpers off on a shopping expedition.

Likewise, Meals on Wheels may sometimes, fortunately rarely, have the wrong meal delivered so a second run is needed, or another client may realise they forgot to order so could someone please bring out meals for the long weekend.

Peter and Peggy are always keen to assist.  They do their work with a friendly smile, efficiently, promptly and courteously.

They are well regarded and of great help to the Senior Citizens.

Their Charity of choice: The Smith Family


Dr Lyndall Steed

Lyndall has been a major contributor to a number of local community projects for many years. For a number of years she worked with people including our own Wayne Muller in planning the Rotary Ramble. Lyndall was also involved in manning the check points on the day of the event.

For 6 years Lyndall was the main bus driver for the South Perth Senior Citizens groups. This involved picking up the seniors from their homes and delivering them to the centre for lunch each Tuesday. 

It also involved planning and driving for lunches to “mystery” venues once a month.

For four years Lyndall was involved in the staffing of the Community Cinema at Burswood and at Curtin. This involved selling tickets, cooking sausages and setting up bean bags.

Lyndall has been a major contributor to the South Perth and Melville bridge clubs and has been Treasurer of South Perth Bridge Club for a number of years. As a voluntary activity this has meant monitoring and acquitting Club funds which exceed $500,000 per annum for a club of around 600 members.

Lyndall has directed formal bridge sessions at Melville and South Perth for at least 10 years.  These sessions involve in the order of up to 40 people at a time. She has also run short courses for new players.

In terms of the unsung Hero Award however, Lyndall’s most significant contribution at Melville and South Perth Bridge clubs has been helping new players, including Graham Rennie, transfer painlessly as possible from a formal lesson program to playing competitive bridge. This transition required considerable knowledge, patience, good humour (which she has in spades - did you see what I did there Lyndall) and strong sense of wanting to help people. 

Her Charity of choice: Wheelchairs for Kids

The Unsung Heroes


Director’s Reports and Announcements

 Brian (Vice President)

  • Peter Stevens out of hospital and back in Mandurah with one of his sons. Not ready for visitors yet.

  • 2024-25 Member Directory paper edition will be much reduced with personal information optional due to privacy/ID theft concerns. Draft example and proforma to be emailed to members for completion.


Wayne M (Bulldust N Back)

  • Wayne M advised that the launch for BNB 2024 will be held on Sunday 16 June. Alison has sent out an event flyer to all members and everyone is invited to come along and join in this fun occasion. He also announced he has a bumper sticker for Mark Jones’ bike.

Rick (PICYS)

  • More meals requested.
  • Thanks to Vic Stoyanoff, just returned and providing meals already.

Fines session – Joy (Burnett) to the world. Guiding Principle: fact is not a big issue.

  • First cab off the rank - Mr McCamey - a reminder that the intent for the morning orange juice is to drink it, not spill it. $1 in the box.
  • Today is Rose day, so anyone who has ever grown, received or given a rose(s) can put a $ in the box.
  • Both Dockers and Eagles have had a win so everyone can put a $ in the box to celebrate.
  • Who remembers Frank Ifield - $ in box. Most popular song  "I remember you-ou".
  • Today we celebrate National Scavenger Hunt Day. 4 in the box for anyone who participated in the RCMP Ramble.
  • The Rotary World Convention is on in Singapore at the moment- it’s where our traveling President currently is. Anyone who has been to a Rotary Convention needs to pay up.
  • Did anyone see a letter to the editor in this morning’s West from our own Mr Muller. Wayne didn’t. Anyone who has ever written to the Ed. needs to cough up.
  • What better way  to welcome home our resident (at times) cycling adventurer ? $ in the box please Mark.
  • So our very own Reggie is now married and very much a kept woman so she can afford to contribute to the box.
  • Geoff Longshore’s wedding anniversary is in a few days. We need to get $$s off him quickly before he spends big on the anniversary present and the impending move into the new pad.
  • Gorby bought the box. The son of a good friend was recently shot whilst in Afghanistan and was in a critical condition-most probably would have seen it on the news bulletins. The good news is that he is past the critical stage and is now responding well to treatment

Winner of Heads and Tails - Scott Dwyer



44 attendees in all, including guests Dr Lyndal Steed, Peter and Peggy Marrett, Jo and Bella Olsen, Maureen Hughes, Oz Haim, Kith Da Silva, Mandy Sneeuwjagt, Peggy Leung.

A good time was had by all! 




Friday, May 17, 2024

Bulletin #42

What kind of a 'Phile' are you?

“I’m a lover not a fighter” – is a quote ascribed to Mel Gibson in the film Braveheart in 2020, it was also a famous line in the music video “Thriller” by Michael Jackson in 1983 and the title of a country and western song by Skeeter Davis in 1969.

However the word 'phile' means to be a “lover of things” and hails from the Greek word 'Phileein' -  meaning to love.

This has been shortened over time to “Phile” which denotes a person who loves or has a fondness for a specified thing.

The free dictionary defines ‘Phile’ as ‘one who loves or has a strong affinity or preference for something specific’  so which 'Phile' are you?

  • Oenophile - A person who enjoys wines, such as a connoisseur
  • Heliophil - A lover of the sun
  • Thalassophile - A lover of the sea or ocean
  • Opacarophile - Lover of sunsets
  • Dendrophile - Lover of trees and forests
  • Logophile - A person who is a lover of words
  • Bibliophile - A person who collects or has a great love of books
  • Quodophile - A lover or collector of quotes
  • Librocubicularist - Lover of reading in bed
  • Discophile - A person who loves vinyl; a record collector
  • Millinophile A lover of hat-wearing
  • Kylindrophile - A person who loves to collect date

Guest Speaker Morag Mathieson (DTM) Toastmasters International President 2023-2024

Morag Mathieson, a native of Scotland who now resides in Möhrendorf, Bavaria, Germany, is the 2023–2024 Toastmasters International President.

Morag holds a Master's degree in Business Administration from The Open University in Milton Keynes, England. She is self-employed professional development consultant and chair of the Board of the child sponsorship charity Living Water Germany e.V. Previously, she was the general manager and superintendent pharmacist for Belfast Co- operative Chemists, where she had full professional and business responsibility for a group of pharmacies in Northern Ireland.

As a Toastmaster since 2006, she has held a number of high-profile leadership positions within Toastmasters and has attained the Distinguished Toastmaster designation - the highest level of educational achievement in the organization.

In opening her address, Morag said it is a very great privilege to be the International President of Toastmasters International in its 100th Anniversary Year. It will be technically celebrated on 22nd October, although the Annual Convention in August will be held in Anaheim California, where the journey began. The second club was formed in Scotland and now there are 148 Clubs worldwide.

Morag noted the current Rotary International President (R. Gordon R. McInally) is also a Healthcare Professional from Scotland and they share similar backgrounds….

In 2019 Toastmasters International and Rotary International formed a Strategic Alliance, with many similarities and complimentary differences. TI has developed eight educational courses for Rotary, currently in the Learning Centre and available in nine languages.

There are many opportunities to cooperate at club level and expand Fellowship. They contribute to the community and invite others to improve themselves. Rotarians are invited to visit Toastmasters clubs as guests and speak, where they will be offered supportive and constructive feedback. Morag said many TI and RI clubs hold joint meetings.

The WA District Conference is to be held this weekend. Morag also spoke of joint projects in Kenya and Mauritius, where TI and RI were involved in each other’s conferences and training. In Sydney 2021, the Joint Women’s Day saw a collaborative panel of speakers came together and included the Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand.

Morag thanked us for our welcome and extended an invitation to “come visit and explore the possibilities”

In taking questions, Morag deferred to Ian Pickens, D17 District Director. WA has 55 active clubs. Similar to Rotary, they have their own Charter and meet either weekly or fortnightly. Some clubs also exist within organisations or as corporates.


Lewis Ball – Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

A guest of Wayne Muller, Lewis Ball gave an impromptu talk on the SKA. Lewis is Operations Manager WA, where we are home to the world’s largest array telescope with 132 antennas connected as a single entity. South Africa has a smaller array of 119 connected antennas.

The SKA is an international inter-governmental organisation dedicated to research in understanding the Universe. A specific field is the origins of magnetic fields.

Numerous member countries own and fund the organisation. Formal construction started two years ago and will see a spend of Two Billion Euro over ten years of build.


Directors Reports and Announcements

Raelene - International
  • Global Hand in the process of organising the 2025 eye camp in Sri Lanka for either the week beginning 5th or 17th January.Car #31 in the BulldustNBack will be 'on the road again...'

Kelly - Club Service

  • District Assembly is on Sunday from 9am to 2pm, a great opportunity for an overview of Rotary in WA and the changes occuring with Regionalisation and the 2024-2025 Rotary theme.
  • RC of Como had a speaker from the Bali Water Project which RCMP donated to - a successful outcome has been reached and a project we should be proud of. More opportunities in the future to continue the connection.

Rick - Youth

  • Calling all the chefs and cooks for PICYS meals, containers available from Rick.

Geoff - Community

 President Veronica

  • Was invited to speak to RC of Ascot on the Sri Lanka eye project which resulted in several members wishing to become members of Global Hands.

It's Good News Week...

  • Tax cuts hit the news this week, so pay up if you were so lucky!
  • $300 electricity rebate for all home owners  - a dollar for every home you own!
  • What a kerfuffle - AI impersonating celebrities, politicians and loved ones on their social media accounts - so poke the pixels and pay up!

Winner of Heads and Tails

2 heads, 1 of each and 2 heads again, brought the bottle of booze to Diana Goh by Supreme (coin) Tosser Lew Thomas! Well done Diana and thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the weekly bottle!


45 attendees in all, including guest speaker Toastmasters International President Megan Mathieson; Rotarian Renee Poot (Esperance) and visitors David Mathieson, Ian and Maree Pickens, Jeff Zhang, Cathryn Collins, Lewis Ball, and Graham Nixon

Can you help - New member Diana Goh

Diana is seeking a career advisor panellist (with a career in the field economics, finance and accounting) to assist Morley Senior High School in their Career Week Symposium. 


The EOFY Economics, Accounting and Finance Symposium is being organised by the Humanities and Social Sciences department in collaboration with the Business and IT department of Morley Senior High School. 
This is the seventh year of organising this event and is a celebration of the end of the financial year. The theme of this year's symposium is "Bridging the Divide: Exploring Wealth Equity and Financial Innovation"
Date: Friday 21 June 2024 
Time : 11.35 am to 2.15 p.m.
Location : Morley Senior High School Library - Bramwell Rd, Noranda WA 6062. 

 Please contact Diana Goh at 0406 370 022 or if you are interested in participating.

Saturday, May 11, 2024

RCMP Bulletin #41

 The Week That Was...

  • It’s been an exciting week in the world for anniversaries - so here’s a few to jog your memories!
  • Coca Cola was sold publicly for the first time at Jacob’s Pharmacy in Atlanta, Georgia – cocaine and all… (1886)
  • VE Day: World War II ends in Europe after Nazi Germany formally surrenders (1945)
  • The Beatles releasing their final album Let It Be (1970)
  • the World Health Organization announcing the eradication of smallpox (1980)
  • World  Red Cross Day
  • Opening of the first parliament of Australia (1901)
  • Nelson Mandela became President of South Africa in 1994
  •  India’s population reached 1 billion (2000)
  • In 1960, the US was the first country to legalise the birth control pill – a bit late for some - a few of us escaped it!

Guest Speaker David Rowell "Alpha Piper Disaster"

David began working in the Oil and Gas industry with WAPET in Perth in 1972. He finished working full time in the industry with Woodside Energy
in 2003.
In those 31 years he has held many positions in several different Projects.
With Woodside they were mainly related to the North West Shelf and included a 2 year secondment to Shell in the UK. David has filled the role of Production Supt on North Rankin Platform and subsequently as Woodside’s Safety Manager. These two roles in particular give him the background and insight to present an overview of the Piper Alpha Disaster in the North Sea and its effect on Safety Management ever since.

Piper Alpha was a North Sea Platform operated by Occidental JV, with oil production commencing in 1976.

In the Offshore Platform environment, it is a compact multi-level facility completely surrounded by water. It has self-managed Emergency Response with the main means of personnel movement by Helicopter.


Piper Alpha was part of a web of Pipelines connecting it to other nearby Offshore platforms and facilities.

The Claymore and Tartan gas pipelines will play a major part in the sequence of events that followed.

Earlier the operating Condensate pump had tripped. This resulted in the back up pump being started. That pump had been undergoing relief valve service that day and there was a temporary flange installed. It was this flange where the initial Condensate leak occurred. How?  The Permit to Work system would usually prevent such an oversight but an ineffective handover at 6pm in the Control Room meant it was unclear that the second pump was not operable.   

Not knowing that Communication and Power systems were disabled on Piper, Claymore and Tartan platform superintendents were assuming that Piper Alpha was handling the Emergency. They continued their operations.

At 10:00 on 6th July 1988 the flange leak ignited and exploded. The Control room and communications were completely disabled.

A large gas riser failed after approx. ½ hour causing catastrophic escalation of the incident. Due to the extreme heat there and no deluge in place, there was a failure of Gas containment and a huge fire ball resulted. A few support vessels were gathering to assist and help retrieve survivors but had to retreat at this stage. 

The subsequent Public Enquiry determined that after around 2 hours the Platform was completely disabled and disintegrating and that 165 workers had perished. Also 2 maritime rescuers died.

Most died from smoke asphyxiation and many from burns and falls often resulting in drowning.

There were 61 survivors. Of these, 28 jumped and were rescued and 20 divers in the below deck module escaped.

A few days later on there was nothing visible on the surface where a huge Facility existed just days before.

The UK Government called for a comprehensive Public Enquiry and appointed Lord Cullen as its Chair. This resulted in the Cullen Report which recommended wide ranging changes to the Regulatory regime, Risk Management and Safety Management Systems.

Survivors, Families and Co-workers lobbied hard for greater awareness of Industry practices and for full implementation of Cullen’s Recommendations.

Most offshore Operators and Regulators activated immediate reviews of their systems in advance of the full report release. 

Gerry McGann and Angus Florence then joined David to take questions.

As a Geologist in the Oil and gas field, Gerry had been in Aberdeen, Scotland when the accident happened.

Angus had been on an adjacent oil rig about 80 kilometres away at the time. He recollected hearing the radio chatter as the emergency occurred, then all went quiet. As the Piper Alpha was just over the horizon, there was no smoke or fire visible.

As all three commented, they had “skin in the game” with this accident.

David’s full presentation can be viewed at:>members only (password)>this link> Guest Speaker Presentations>ROWELL David – Piper Alpha Disaster

Directors Reports and Announcements

Dietmar (Fundraising)

  • Final committee meeting for this year after breakfast.

Ian (Community)

  • John Mansfield seeking sponsors for his CEO sleepout every year which supports the homeless - see events for QR code to donate.

  • Joint event with RC of Como on 20 May - volunteers wanted, contact Ian 0419 896 305.

Wayne (BNB)

  • BNB bumper stickers on each table - please use to advertise this great event - give one to your friends and family!
  • Full surveys now completed by Charlie B, Rick S, Wayne M, Ian K and Kelly G.
  • Bunnings event supplied the goods for auction after fines session.

David (Update)

  • Peter Stevens doing well and should transfer out of hospital next week to assisted living. Sent his thanks and best wishes to RCMP members.

Geoff (Event)

  • Endeavour Awards now open on the TryBooking Site for 12 June, cost $45 pp for a sumptious meal - Book now or miss out.

Kelly (Club Service)

  • Meeting today following breakfast
  • Thank you note from Roger Davey's family

Three Fines and an Auction

 Wayne the Elder fossicked around to find the felonies to inflate club funds with filthy lucre! 
  • Pres Veronica for 'alleging' Charlie Burnett was the recipient of a major award when it was his mate!
  • Raelene George for forgetting her mate Andy was present!
  • Kelly Gillen trying to be coooool by using shorthand text messages - which confused Wayne no end!

Garrick McCamey auctioned off the loot which was donated to Wayne by Bunnings. Cute teddies, blocks of chocolate, hats, coffee cups and food wraps raised approx $150 for Wayne's superannuation fund!


43 attendees in all, including visiting Rotarians Linda McLerie (EWA club & Kalgoorlie), David Musara (Subiaco) and Bill Boekman (Wongan Hills) as well as visitors Andy George and John O'Sullivan (jnr).




Friday, May 3, 2024

Bulletin #40

Youth Services Month

May is Rotary Youth Services month with a focus on young people and the development of the next generation of leaders.

A fitting reminder that we are about to embark on the Rotary 4 Way Test Speaking competition in our District (9423), and applications for RYLA and RYPEN for the next Rotary year. 


May also celebrates other youthful endeavours such as:

  • Baby day

  • Brothers and sisters day

  • Take a baby to lunch day

  • International midwives day

  • International day of families

  • International day of the African child; 

and it's also National Chocolate Custard Day - you can be a child of any age to enjoy this!

Our youthful acting-sargent at arms informed us who had hit youthful milestones this week.

Guest Speaker - Mark Anderson, Major Gifts Officer, RISPPO

Mark is the Major Gifts Officer for The Rotary Foundation at the South Pacific and Philippines Office (RISSPO) in Sydney. His role is donor acquisition and stewardship. Mark
has been a Rotarian for over 35 years, being a member in Clubs in Victoria, New South Wales and South Africa, where he met Nelson Mandela.

His involvement in Rotary began in 1972, as Secretary of the Corinda High School Interact Club in Queensland, then as a Rotary Youth Exchange student to Canada, He was a Rotaractor, a RYLArian and a GSE team member to California.


Since joining Rotary in 1987, he has been President of two Clubs, has led a GSE Team to Germany and held many District leadership positions. 


Mark spoke about the birth of Rotary Internatioal and how and why it was created as the world's first service club.


Then President Arch C. Klumph proposed to set up an endowment
in 1917.  The first contribution to the endowment was from the Rotary Club of Kansas City, Missouri, USA for $26.50 USD. The endowment is the precursor to the Rotary Foundation the not-for-profit philanthropic organisation that supports Rotary Internationa;.


Notable milestones included the "Paul Harris Fellow" designation in 1957, recognising contributions of $1,000; Polio Plus in 1985, its most prominent and ambitious program to eradicate the poliomyelitis virus, and in 1999 the Bequest Society was established for commitments of $10,000 or more; and in 2004 the 'Arch C Klumph Society" was established to recognise major donors of $250,000 or more.

The mission of The Rotary Foundation is to "help Rotary members advance world understanding, goodwill and peace, by improving health, provide quality education, improve the environment and alleviate poverty".

The goals of RF are to provide a framework based on community needs have an impact on the world and build the Rotary brand .


Mark touched on the Rotary Foundation and how it works, defying the myth that Foundation donations fall into a black hole, and Global Grants are not just spent overseas - rather they support and fund District, Global and Disaster Relief grants in Australia where we are the nett receiver of global grant funds. 


In addition, donations through the Foundation, assists in the eradication of Polio via the  Polio Plus program, Peace Fellowships and other specific projects.

Polio is now contained to two countries only recording small outbreaks (4 new cases) in Afghanistan and Pakistan - but Rotary will not rest until the figures are zero!

Rotary Peace Fellowships are not about stopping wars but about creating harmony in our own communities too - think Domestic Violence. Rotary Peace Centres are global and committed to education and peace building.

The Rotary Foundation is one of the highest rated charities in the world with low admin costs and outstanding stewardship of donations.

Rotary's mission centers around seven (7) areas of focus concentrating on goals which assist in each area, aligning with other international development efforts and serving 15 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The Rotary Foundation has the broadest area of focus of any civic foundation which allows all Rotarians to be inspired and find something that motivates them to get involved and change the world.

 As Rotary clubs align their goals and actions we aim to "

Increase our impact - how did our project grow our Rotary brand?

Expand our reach - did we have the ability to grow our membership because of our project?

Enhance participant engagement - did our project deliver member satisfaction? and 

Increase our ability to adapt - did we try something new?

Mark was warmly thanked by all members and given a matching set of glasses for his collection of Malt Whiskies!
The full presentation can be found on the members only page of the website.

Directors Reports and Announcement

Ian K - Community

  • Thanks to Wayne, Alison, Raelene, Trish and Gerry for working so hard last Sunday at the PanKind event. Pankind raised $93,000 and had 400 walkers in the event.
  • City of South Perth event on 26 May. Joint venture with RC of Como "Charity Drop Off" for unwanted (well preserved goods) to go to SOS. Volunteers needed to assist. Please contact Ian.

Michelle - Pastoral Care

  • Mike Collet has had a skin cancer removed from his face, close to his left eye and whilst recovering well he is unable to drive - get better soon Mike.
  • Peter Stevens on the road to recovery, in good spirits and hopefully be out of Hollywood soon.
  • Kelly Gillen got the flu - take it easy Kelly and drink plenty of fluids!
  • Peter Craig has been transferred to Bayswater, a wee bit closer to home.

Rick - Youth

  • It's a RYPEN weekend with Michelle's Grand-daughter being sponsored by Manjimup RC and Alison's candidate Bella being sponsored by RCMP. 
  • Pleas consider cooking and donating meals for PICYS. Rick happy to collect 
Gerry - Vocational 
  •  Pride of Workmanship has been deferred to July, so plenty of time to submit further nominations. We have two - would like two more!
  • Future vocational visit to SAS Barracks, numbers restricted to 18 so book early. Date to be advised, possible 10am start then lunch in the mess hall. 

Money can't buy you love...

...but it can buy you lots of substitutes, so being selfless in sharing our stash as finesmaster of the day Joy Burnett slashed our savings...

  • Howard's low rating in the Tourism stakes at the Bell Tower
  • Lyn M, Wayne D, Vic S and Joy B on their return from extended holidays
  • Vic S for becoming a grand-dad
  • Lew, never sit with your back to the finesmaster or for chosing your breakfast companions - oh and don't forget your wife's expensive taste in restaurants!
  • Graham R - does Qantas ring a bell?
  • Raelene G, and David R  for being May babies and Rick S for not telling us whether he gave wife Mandy an Anniversary peck on the cheek before Rotary this morning.
  • Geoff L - Interviewer extraordinairre last week - need a job?
  • Town Hall interviewees from last week - Veronica, Brian and Gorby - too many secrets!
  • Scott D - because...
  • David R - putting keys in a safe place so safe he forgot where and on return from holiday had to break into his own abode!
  • Joy - for doing exactly the same thing weeks before! 
  • Mark Anderson, guest speaker, guest, special person and fellow Rotarian  - check your phone!
  • Ken P - grand-daughter just qualified for Olympics Water Polo. 
  • Everyone else who missed last week's epic meeting!

It's a tail to tell...

Tosser Angus Florence assisted President
Veronica win the wine with a 'tails' win. The lovely bottle of Shiraz will wend its way down to Esperance to be shared with other Rotary presenters at the Esperance District Assembly this weekend.


33 attendees in all, including guest speaker Mark Anderson and District Governor Ineke Oliver.