Sunday, February 25, 2024

Week 30 - 23 February

Happy Birthday Rotary - 119 years young!

VP Brian noted today is the 119th anniversary of Rotary. 

Paul Harris founded the Rotary Club of Chicago on 23rd Feb 1905. The name “Rotary” came from rotating their meetings between the offices of the four founding members. The first project was construction of public toilets in Chicago.

It was good to see the "Sea of Blue" to celebrate World Rotary Day.

 Guest Speaker - Laureate Professor Peter Veth, Professor of Archaeology UWA."Desert People: the archaeology of NW Australia and the wider deserts of Australia" 

Peter Veth is a globally-recognised Archaeologist who has carried out research throughout Australia, Torres Strait and Island South East Asia. His research has engaged with desert and marine archaeology for over 35 years including pioneering work with colleagues on the archaeology of the Western Desert, Aru Islands, Timor Leste, Torres Strait, Dampier Archipelago and Barrow Island. 

He is currently a CI on a five year ARC LP awarded in 2021 Desert to the Sea; is an Laureate Fellow on the Desert People Project (2023- 2027) and a CI on the ARC Centre for Excellence for Indigenous and Environmental Histories and Futures (2024 - 2030).

Peter gave a fascinating talk on his current project and archaeologic field work in the Ningaloo and Pilbara area. Artifacts and carbon or sediment dating reveals records of the inhabitants dating back to 60,000 years. There is evidence the coastal peoples were trading up to 1,000Km inland with the desert peoples. He postulated whether the climate was the same then, noting the existence of more water points?

Peter detailed their work with ten different groups, corporations and traditional owners, which focussed on searching shelters and caves in coastal areas or digging for artifacts dating back 30,000 years. This also included artifacts from Barrow island, back to when it was joined to the mainland. It also gave an idea of cultural boundaries compared to cartographic boundaries.

His work also gave the opportunity to work with rangers and research students, as well as Tim Winton’s documentary on Ningaloo.

Peter’s full PowerPoint, including maps and photos of artifacts, can be viewed at:>members only (password)>this link>Guest Speaker Presentations> VETH Peter – Desert People

Scott Dwyer informed Peter and the members about a wonderful link between Peter’s work and Mill Point Rotary Club, through one of our exchange students, Zenobia Jacobs. 

Zenobia was born in South Africa and prior to undertaking a twelve-month Rotary Exchange Program to Perth in 1994 she lived in Phalaborwa on the Western side of the Kruger National Park.

Her Host Families were Terry & Ken Mitchell, Graham & Robyn Rennie, Owen and Bev Ferguson and Scott & Robynne Dwyer. 

Arrangements were made for Zenobia to attend Penrhos College where she had a lot of fun and did little study. She undertook all the normal final school activities including a visit to Alice Springs organized by the Dwyers who ensured she was looked after her by the Rotary Club of Central Australia and the Mayor.

Zenobia returned to South Africa where she attended university, studied and majored in Archeology. She undertook further studies in Europe and the USA.

She accepted a position at the Wollongong University sponsored by a University in the USA. She subsequently became an Archeologist of world note. Her studies took her to numerous diggings worldwide including the Kimberly in WA and the NT.

She married her boss, Bert, in Wollongong and was given away by five Fathers. Her true Father and four defacto Rotary Fathers. She later became Australian and has an Aussie Passport.

She works very closely with Peter Veth from the UWA, our Guest Speaker. Mill Point can claim to be an integral part of her growth and achievements.

Directors Reports and Announcement

Vice Pres : World Rotary Day at South Perth food trucks 6 PM onwards. Noted high forecast temperature and advised up to members if they choose to attend.

Rotary Action Day 13th April. EOI sheet circulating for all four activities. 19 so far for International Dinner.

Call for nominations for Rotary Community Group Leader. Each club will then vote on the nominated person.

Rick S : called for more meals for PICYS. Containers available.

Welfare : Michelle L noted she now knows what it’s like to be a “sore thumb” being the only member in a yellow Rotary shirt….

She provided member updates:

Roger Davey back in Bethesta Care, would love visits

Peter Stevens doing well and. Is in Cervanties with family

Dietmar Mazanetz bright and cheerful, appreciates messages

Vocational: Gerry advised Alan Eggleston is “chirpy as always”…

SKG Vocational visit rescheduled for 13th March, details to come.

Community : Ross advised Ronald McDonald House Dinner locked in for Sunday 17th March.

Treasurer : Lyn M will be away and Kim Paine will be acting Treasurer. She has access to the Treasurer email.

Fines – Wayne M will be like an Archaeologist and “go digging”       

  • Those few members not wearing Rotary shirts
  • Michelle L for being the lone yellow shirt
  • Scott D for a newspaper headline complaining about transport emissions, that turned out not to be him…
  • Brian A for his new hairstyle. A little longer and he will look like Trump…
  • Wayne noted, those seeking Peace build “urinals”, those seeking War build “arsenals”….

Winner of Heads & Tails – Bill Boekeman







35 attendees in all: 29  members; 1 visiting Rotarian Bill Boekman (Wongan Hills), and 4 guests including guest speaker Robyn Conway, Diana Goh, Lydia Wong.