Saturday, February 3, 2024

Week 27 - 2 February 2024

 February - Peace Building and Conflict Prevention Month

In partnership with Global Hands, as practitioners we

fight disease, provide clean water and sanitation, improve the health of mothers and children, support education, and help grow local economies directly building the optimal conditions for peaceful societies.
This was evident in our annual eye clinic in Sri Lanka where we changed the lives of 1,841 Sri Lankans  to improve their conditions and ultimately sustain their local economies - fishermen, masons, farmers, carpenters, children, students, drivers and housewives.
Travelling to three clinics over 4 days, giving out over 2,000 pairs of glasses, referring over 250 patients for cataract surgery and knowing we have made a difference. All in a day's work for Rotarians and partners.

Guest Speaker - the Hon Richard Court AC

Richard Court was elected to the Western Australia Legislative Assembly in 1982. He served as Premier and Treasurer of Western Australia from 1993-2001.


In 2003, Mr Court was appointed a Companion in the General Division of the Order of Australia for services to Western Australia and the community, particularly the Indigenous community, and in the areas of child health research, cultural heritage and economic development through negotiating major resource projects.


In 2008, His Majesty the Emperor of Japan conferred honours bestowing the Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Star for exceptional contributions to the expansion of Australia-Japan relations, strengthening economic ties between Australia and Japan and also to the exchange between Hyogo Prefecture and Western Australia. He was appointed Australian Ambassador to Japan 2017-2020.


Mr Court has held a number of senior positions and directorships in private and public companies, including GRD Limited, IOH Limited, National Hire Group Limited, Westrac, Resource Investment Strategy Consultants, the Anglican Diocesan trustees and the Olympic Team Appeal for Western Australia. He is currently a Director of BCI Minerals Ltd. He also holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Western Australia.


In his address to the Club, Mr Court started by thanking Rotary for its important work serving the community. He spoke of watching the World Windsurfing Competition on the Swan River and reflecting on the wonderful place we live.


Starting in business, he took the lessons learned from his company Court Marine into politics. A surfboard with a sail in the middle had been received from the eastern states with a comment it “couldn’t work….” Mr Court went to Sydney to find out about becoming a distributor. After receiving a sales guarantee and “surfie type” representative to give lessons and sponsorship from Coca Cola, sales rapidly exceeded supply! The message that served him well then, also served him in politics “keep an open mind and listen to other views”.


Mr Court then spoke of going to China on invitation, following a visit from their Vice Premier. The Chinese were interested in a WA supply of Liquid National Gas (LNG). Despite much negativity here and the view Korea was the market, he persisted and made a number of low-key visits to meet with the right people and advance the project. The result was WA winning the tender to supply LNG to China. Again, he reiterated the lesson “keep an open mind and go there”.


Mr Court also spoke of his opinion that people in Australia are becoming complacent, relying too much on the resources sector and are focussing how to spend revenue and are exceeding debt levels. Stating "You get the best Government in the worst times and the worst Government in the best times” who are not providing the best value for money, he cited examples of how Indonesia had dealt decisively to increase investment in their nickel sector and had how Japan had recovered from their nuclear energy disaster.


Australia is too dependent on overseas supply of oil and stockpiles in the US and Mr Court spoke briefly on his view that there was complacency in Defence and our reliance on expensive tanks and F-35s. A fleet of Hilux vehicles with rocket launchers and drones have shown the changed nature of conflict. In response to a question, he warned of the “transactional nature” of a possible future President Trump. Japan and Europe have previously experienced being told they weren’t paying enough and we need to be more prepared for the future.

In conclusion Mr Court said he was confident Middle Australia could detect the “BS” and change can occur.


Announcements and Directors Reports
International Eye Camp in Sri Lanka - 1,841 people treated resulting in identification and referral of 316 cataracts, 50 other referrals, 90 custom spectacles to be made and normal dispensing of 1385 pairs of spectacles. 
Club Birthday - Friday 15 March at Veronica's apartment block near pool. List is being circulated.

Brian Johnson - District Conference at The Rise Maylands
Be part of the District Conference which has taken a slightly different twist to all other conferences.
9am - Lift The Lid Walk
2pm - Public Image Seminar learn how to promote our club in the best possible light with new ideas
6.30pm - International dinner $55 per person and a great way to meet known and new Rotarians.
Let's show Rotary WA the great RCMP support and be part of this great day!



Singapore Beckons!

NOW is the time to book your place at the RI Convention in Singapore!

A great line up of speakers in the most vibrant and exciting cosmopolitan city of the world. 

All RI events take place at the Marina Bay Sands Expo & Convention Centre or National Stadium unless otherwise indicated.

This year's goal is to restore hope — "to help the world heal from destructive conflicts and, in turn, to help us achieve lasting change for ourselves."
Visit book at to secure your place.
Click on the video above to see what is in store!
Club Service - Congratulations to Rick Sneeuwjagt Citizen of the Year (Senior Category) on Australia Day: Graham Rennie and the Men's Shed 2024 Community Citizen of the year Award for Active Citizenship.
Fundraising - Thanks to everyone who volunteered for Australia Day Parking. The Club raised $2000 for this event.
Margaret Walton - has copies of Millie Formsby's book for sale.


55 attendees in all, comprising - 27 members; 10 guests including guest speaker: Richard Court, Jim Walker, Rob Hubbard, Vaughan and Julie Emery, Karen McGrath, Katrina Duke, Don Gray, Heike Davey and Mandy Sneeuwjagt; and 5 visiting Rotarians: Bill Boekman, Rod Lane, Tim Davey and Dianne Allen.