Monday, February 19, 2024

Week 29 - 16 February

The Land Down Under

February is the month of Peace Building and Conflict Prevention month and I’m happy to say I’ve just spent a week doing just that building peaceful relationships with our Kiwi counterparts in Auckland, as well as building bridges across the great divide – yes I mean the Eastern States – as well as commiserating with the Tassies on their early election – just showing support for our fellow Rotarians!

Something for everyone this week...

If you’re a music lover then I guess you are aware that Taylor Swift landed in Melbourne yesterday – who’s Taylor Swift? You may well ask!

If you’re of the Catholic persuasion – Wednesday was Ash Wednesday - meaning it’s the start of LENT – so you need to determine what you are giving up until Easter Sunday – hope it’s not Rotary!

Book Lovers – it's International Book Giving day and also Library Lovers Day – a double whammy for Bibliophiles!

And if you’re into fashion and/or a golfer then you will be aware that Tiger Woods has developed a new fashion line of which the critics are, well, critical - saying it lacks style. After ending his 27 year partnership with Nike, one critic said the new line should have the tagline “Just Don’t Do It!”



Guest Speaker - Geoff Baker MLA "Clean Energy"

Geoff Baker
grew up in Como before his family moved to the suburb of South Perth when he was a teenager. 

He  was elected to the Forty-First Parliament for South Perth on 13 March 2021. Geoff is co-convener of the Parliamentary Friends of Clean Energy which is one of many Parliamentary Friendship Groups which are established by Members of the Parliament of Western Australia to raise awareness of, or increase liaison with, a particular group, organisation or issue.


The objectives and aims of the Parliamentary Friends of Clean Energy are:

-       to advocate for and promote the development of clean energy in Western Australia;

-       to identify opportunities for clean energy development in the State;

-       to quantify and promote the role clean energy can make to the State’s climate change response;

-       to engage with experts in the field of clean energy;

-       to inform Members of Parliament of the potential that clean energy represents.

In his address to the Club, Geoff spoke of WA and the Clean Energy Future. He outlined how Energy requirements are changing and how Technology is evolving.


The perception is “WA is too small to make a difference to world wide greenhouse gas emissions, so why should we make so much effort when it won’t change anything?”

However, WA is one of the best places in the world to produce solar and wind energy.


In comparing the energy sources, Geoff said SOLAR is the cheapest then WIND.

HYDROGEN and NUCLEAR  are very expensive. 


To demonstrate the daytime draw on the Grid is going down, but overall draw is going up, Geoff showed the “Duck” graph.

The load on the Grid drops from 6 AM as household Solar feeds in, then peaks at 6 PM.

The governments aim is to shift the load to later.

In discussing alternate sources, Geoff discussed:

HYDROPOWER – this requires mountains and water, which WA lacks in combination

BATTERIES – expensive

GAS – there is increasing worldwide demand as a source for clean energy.


Geoff then again addressed the potential for WA. 

He stated “The south-west United States and Mexico, northern Chile, the Middle East and north Africa, south-west Africa and north-west Australia are identified as the regions with the lowest renewable Hydrogen cost potential.”

Additionally, there are four WA private solar/wind projects at Pilbara, Gascoyne, Midwest and Eucla.


In summary:


“WA is perfectly positioned to make a difference to world wide greenhouse gas emissions, so shouldn’t we let private enterprise build profitable new industries and become the clean energy superpower for Asia?”


Geoff’s PowerPoint can be viewed at:>members only (password)>this link>Guest Speaker Presentations>BAKER Geoff – Clean Energy.


Announcements and Directors' Reports

Vice President : Rolling announcements on the screen for upcoming events. If any Director has an event coming up then forward to BJ for inclusion.

Friday 23 Feb  is 'Wear Your Rotary T-Shirt Day" to celebrate World Rotary Day. Wear your Rotary T-Shirt to the meeting next week and join Rotary at the South Perth Food Trucks, from 6pm or bring your own picnic. Parking at Coode Street Carp Park 14. (see Upcoming Events page)

International Dinner, Rotary Action Day - Saturday 13 April, The Rise, Maylands. Be on our Tables of 10 to show our strength and support at this event. Check list circulates each week, cost is $55 pp. (see Upcoming Events page)

Community : Ronald McDonald House dinner - 10 volunteers needed, date to be advised (under negotiation at the moment)

Vocational : SKG vocational trip being re-organised after cancelling last year due to Covid. 2 groups to tour the premises followed by dinner. Dates being negotiated, previous participants will be given priority.

Rotary T-Shirts - Gerry has a plethora of them and will bring to meeting next week.

Fundraising : Dial A Santa coordinator Margaret Walton reported on the Dial A Santa success for 2023.

Mill Point RC took over the running of Dial-a-Santa from Rotaract in 2015.  2023 was the 9th year and we had 14 Santas visiting clients, including 7 from Mill Point and 7 external Santas.

Thanks to Phil Cordery from Southern Districts RC, Steve Lennox from Ballajura/Malaga RC, Mark Horwood, Russell Lanyon, Chris Herrmann, David Smith and Geoff Day (Northern areas).  Santas were assisted with their events by Elves or a Mrs Claus.

Many new events were booked via the website as well as repeat bookings from previous years.   Multiple events were booked for the Good Grocer/IGA supermarkets (20).  Suburbs covered were from Rockingham to Ashby and Wooroloo – family day at the Prison.

There were 8 free Community visits including Kids Cancer Support Group, Visability Playgroup, CANTEEN, Senior Citizens Centre, Homelessness We Care, Hannah’s House, Mt Pleasant Uniting Church and 1 private event.

Our Santas were represented at a wide variety of events starting with Christmas in July, then through November and December to early January, plus an Easter Bunny repeat at a shopping centre – many thanks to Debbie.   

Types of events once again were:

Private families and multiple family groups.

Child Care and Early Learning Centres, Kindergartens, Playgroups, Schools

Corporate Christmas Parties, Bars & Restaurants, Sports Clubs, Greyhounds, Rotary Clubs.

Shopping Centres and Supermarkets.

Elizabeth Quay Fun Fair (Christmas Eve)

Total for 2023 – 115 visits raising $22,670 (a similar result to last year). These funds are donated to our various children’s charities and programs.

Grand Total since 2015 = $168,000  

Many thanks once again to all our very willing Santas and helpers and especially to our external Santas for their invaluable assistance in ensuring another successful year for Dial-a-Santa.


I'm Fine(d)...

"Xīnnián kuàilè" (新年快乐),  or "Happy Chinese New Year" as Jenny fined all those born in the year(s) of the Dragon (1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988 and 2000). Only one person owned up even after learning that 'Dragons' included Martin Luther King, John Lennon, Bruce Lee and Mr Putin!
Valentines Day party poopers - all those who forgot or missed out on - too many takers! Shame!
Bali Fans - now costs you $16USD to enter Bali, $1 goes to Rotary and $15 to Border Police - so what's new!
Rotary Peripherals - Santas, Elves/Mrs Claus, and Margaret Walton - for making a difference and being such good sports!
Buy the Box - Gorby for his contribution to the "Year of The Dragon"  with a grandson - Welcome to Blake Beaumont!

Heads and Tails Wine Winner of the Week
Angus Florence was last man standing (and I mean that literally) - Well done Angus!
Thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the wine!

42 attendees this week including Geoff Baker (guest speaker), Rotarians David Smith, Phil Cordery, Russell Lanyon, Peter K2, and guests Steve Lennox, Peter McDowell, Lidia Wong, Norm Cardoz.