Thursday, February 22, 2024

Regionalisation Update #1

 Transforming Rotary - Part 1

Here's an update on how we are seeking to transform Rotary and Rotaract in Zone 8.


This is our zone - 16 countries - and we are one of only 2 regions the RI Board is supporting to pilot a new operating structure.  The other is Rotary Great Britain and Ireland.


Here's an update and overview of what is happening with our regionalisation pilot and how this will support and benefit you us as a club. 




The objective of this page is to inform you about what support is being provided to clubs as we head towards the full implementation date of 1 July 2024. 


Rotary in our zone is in free fall - we have fewer clubs with fewer members although not all clubs are declining we cannot be complacent.


We need an energy boost and we need it fast.

Where might that come from? 

1. New clubs and satellite clubs

2. Boosting numbers and energy via collaboration.

3. Growing Rotary through increased community impact; raising Rotary's profile and attracting and engaging new members. We can achieve this via our Rotary Community Groups (RCGs)


Our club will be a member of a Rotary Community Group, along with several other clubs that have a meaningful connection to our area, and the ability to grow Rotary in that area by scaling up. 


Rotary Community Groups will be supported in several ways:

1. Most importantly, at the centre, will be an elected Rotary Community Leader (RCL) for each RCG
2. Portfolio Committees which support each of the functions on the Regional Council will be convened
3. A network of Rotary Specialists will share their experience and expertise when requested
4. District Governors remain for the pilot but their roles will change over time as district responsibilities transfer to the Regional Council.  They will however have a particularly important role supporting and promoting the Rotary Foundation – none of the roles that support you around TRF will change
5.And we will continue to work closely with the excellent RI staff at RISPPO and Evanston.
This is our Club Support Network .

There are three important roles for us to interact with either as an individual club or through our Rotary Community Group (RCG)

Timeline of key activities in Regionalisation.
We are now preparing to nominate and elect our Rotary Community Leaders.
For now it is important to understand the reasons for Regionalisation and the benefits it will bring to RotaryWA and Zone 8.