Friday, March 22, 2024

Week 34

Time to celebrate?

Some weird and wonderful celebrations this week which just HAD to be mentioned as they has some significance to a few of our members:

  • Monday -Federal Parliament sitting in ACT and “National Awkward Moment Day” - John McGrath!
  • Wednesday -  International Day of Happiness -  had to think of Joy Burnett! Owen - World Oral Health Day, and Wayne Muller - World Storytelling day!
  • Thursday - World Poetry Day had to be David Rowell (always eloquent); and Kelly and Rick for International Day of Forests!
Welcome to our New Members!
Diana Goh (on left) holds a BSc Managemenet from London School of economics and a Diploma in Finance and Mortgage Broking Management. Her sponsor and Mentor is Kim Paine and Diana has been allocated to Club Service. Diana lives in
Riverton and a keen member who has already completed her first visit and participation at Ronald McDonald house! Welcome Diana - we're thrilled to have you on board.

Lydia Wong (on right) found us through Facebook - who said that social media doesn't pay? After a brief intro as to what RCMP was all about, Lydia visited the club and wanted to sign up immediately! Like Diana, Lydia also helped out at Ronald McDonald house. Her sponsor is Brian Johnson and her mentor is Veronica Lawrance. Lydia lives in South Perth and has recently arrived from Malaysia. She holds a PhD in Organisational Behaviour and was CEO of an NGO. Good to have you join us Lydia!



NYSF Student Kaya Coskun

RCMP welcomed back Kaya Koscun, who we sponsored to attend the National Youth Science Forum in Brisbane. Kaya is a Melville Senior High School student and gave us a brief summary of the highlights of being part of the program. From meeting specialist lecturers from different backgrounds and pathways, Kaya was priviledged to visit Kings College and met up with Myles Lawler and Ross Neuman. An amazing opportunity to discover where her own career pathway might head. 


Guest Speaker - Peter Kennedy

Perth born and educated, a graduate from the University of WA and Claremont Teachers College, he started his working life as a high school teacher in Bunbury.

Peter then switched to journalism in 1970 when he joined The West Australian. He later reported politics for The Sydney Morning Herald in Sydney and Canberra, before returning to Perth as press secretary to Deputy Premier Mal Bryce in 1984.

Later joined the ABC in 1990 and presented the Morning and Drive programs on 6WF, before becoming State Political Reporter for ABC TV News. He also anchored the Stateline program after the Perth-produced 7.30 Report was axed in 1995.

Peter retired in 2010 and was appointed an adjunct professor at the University of Notre Dame Australia. He is the author of 'Tales from Boom Town - Western Australian Premiers from Brand to McGowan'.

Peter thanked the Club for inviting him to speak and acknowledged the First Nations traditional owners.

The topic of the “Voice to Parliament” is still very sensitive. On 14th October 2023, the Referendum was rejected comprehensively. All states voted NO, with only the ACT having a YES majority. Peter noted the votes were:

Nationally     40% YES/60% NO

WA                37% YES/63% NO

Swan             43% YES/57% NO

The Referendum divided the community. It was decisive, otherwise the discontent would have been greater. Peter asked us to imagine if there had been a mixed vote from the states?

He noted a quote from former Senator Graham Richardson “mob usually gets it right”. We need to accept and move on.

In 2022, Peter and his wife Chris travelled across Australia through regional areas. He was shocked at the appalling conditions for aboriginals and yet the Referendum was more about intellectual arguments on the Constitution!

He noted Prime Minister Albanese had visited Cape York - why not Laverton or Warburton? After Peter wrote a letter to complain, Opposition Leader Dutton and the media visited Laverton…

Peter’s trip across Australia has influenced his thinking. He believes Labour was unwise to hold a Referendum in their first term of government. Historically 36 of 44 Referendums have failed. PM Albanese pressed on with the “Statement from the Heart”. He would have been wise to call the leaders in first.

The Referendum was contentious because it consisted of not one but two questions

-       First Nations recognition

-       Adoption of the Voice

This had echoes of the Republic Referendum…. Most disagreed with the question, rather than being racist as many no voters were quick to allude.

Peter firmly believes this could have been achieved with Legislation then refined. Too many people were “rusted on” and wanted to change the Constitution…the “Big Hit” approach…

The NO side were accused of disinformation

The YES side were accused of no information

Peter’s conclusions:

-       Aboriginal leaders must step up and work with the Government

-       Activists must focus on past atrocities and injustices

-       Basic needs must be improved

-       MPs must target resources

-       The Referendum proves we are all in regardless of colour

Peter was warmly applauded and thanked for his very informative presentation.

Directors' Reports and Announcements

Vocational - David R spoke about the Pride of Workmanship awards - nominees wanted!
Club Service - Kelly G reminded us that there is only 3 weeks to go for what was our Annual Conference, now our Rotary Action Day on 13 April at The Rise, Maylands. It would be GREAT to have a good contingency from RCMP. Please book for the Annual dinner at Volunteers are also wanted for the day. More details in events page
Community - Ross  announced yet another success with 'Home For Dinner' at Ronald McDonald house and our two newest members - Lydia and Diana - helped out!
Member Welfare - Michelle L welcomed Dietmar back to the club and informed us that Scott Dwyer and Peter Stevens were both in Hollywood hospital Get Well soon guys!

Fines - Oh what a session!

  • All socceroo and F1 fans ...
  • Kelly G - breaking the lift button at the Birthday party on Friday and stealing a stubby holder (including the beer) from Jenny's husband!
  • Lorrie G  - trying to poach Jenny's husband for the BNB
  • Rick S - the waiter with the mostest - prawns that is.  We loved his 'one for you, two for me' trick!
  • Lew T - innings not winnings? Hah!
  • Gorby - attacking a garden gnome and doing himself a mischief (ouch!)
  • Ian K - tripped over his own feet and 'nose' dived to the pavement
  • Dietmar - been too long mate - but welcome back! 
Someone left a blue plastic cup and a green chair at the party last week - see President Veronica to reclaim.

Winner of Heads and Tails

Kelly Coskun - our guest and mother of our NYSF candidate (Kaya) who beat them all with a one of each! It pays to be a visitor!


45 attendees in all, including guest speaker (Peter Kennedy), visitors Lynne McCamey, Norm Cardoz, Graham Nixon, Kelly and Kaya Coskun, Rosemerry Devenish and Estelle Hayler, with a special mention to our newest members Lydia Wong and Dianna Goh.