Friday, March 8, 2024

Week 32 - 8 March 2024

International Women's Day!

  • Remember to respect, pamper, spoil, revere and adore all women especially your own!

  • It’s the birthday of the first woman in space Valentina Tereshkova in 1937 making her 87 this year.

  • Barbie was launched in 1959 at the American Toy Fair, celebrating her 65th birthday!

  • Wednesday was the “Day of the Dude” which commemorates the North American release of the movie “The Big Lebowski” in 1998. The day looks to promote ease and simplicity in society, being able to easily 'let things go' and ‘go with the flow’ as a big part of the lifestyle which inspired the birth of the religion/philosophy known as “Dudeism.”

Guest Speaker - Natasha, Stacey and Bronte - Guide Dogs WA

Natasha Allchurch, Senior Manager Fundraising, Guide Dogs, and originally from the UK, was joined by Stacey (Dog Trainer for 7 years) and Bronte (2-year old beautiful black labrador).

After studying Social Anthropology at Sussex University, Natasha found herself in the fundraising sector, now over 20 years ago, Natasha has worked with a number of charities and not-for-profit organisations in both the UK and Australia. Natasha moved to Perth over 10 years ago and is now an Australian citizen (and completely delighted about this!).

Natasha has worked mainly in the education sector since moving to Australia, always in the fundraising and engagement space. With her love of animals (particularly dogs, and as the proud parent of one very pampered pooch) Natasha is delighted to have joined the Guide Dogs team at the end of 2023. 


Guide Dogs WA is part of a broader organisation - The EverAbility Group which also encompasses Visability, Kites and Guide Dogs WA.


Guide Dogs WA was first established in 1951 by Arnold Cook, who was blind and had his own guide dog. He later married Betty Bridge from the UK who he met en route to New Zealand - a serendipitous encounter which gave rise to the organisation.


Usually labradors and golden retrievers are used to train as guide dogs but Border Collies X and Border Collies have also been used.

The organisation today has a legacy of compassion and commitment  raising and training Guide and Assistance dogs.

Natasha told a moving story of Tara, from Kalgoorlie, who rapidly lost her sight through glaucoma and needed assistance as she was quickly becoming a recluse, unable to go out by herself. Her guide dog 'Autumn' gave her a new lease on life and changed her lifestyle completely.


Guide Dogs WA now have their own breeding program with 75% of their Guide puppies being raised and trained for the program. 65 puppies were born last year and from the age of 8 weeks are taken on by a volunteer handler for a period of 16 months formal training.

The process takes into consideration the career path in which the dog will be trained e.g. Guide and Assistance, Autism Assistance, Facility, Assisted-therapy, Ambassador, or Breeding.

Stacey gave a demonstration on how a guide dog like Bronte helps their owner in finding a seat on public transport and helping their owner put the harness on the dog. Bronte was duly rewarded.

for more information visit their website or go to the members only section on our website to view the full presentation which will be uploaded later today






Directors' Reports and Announcements

Members' update : Peter Craig - thanked us for his get well card and has moved to Amana living in Bull Creek. 

Peter Stevens is holidaying in Cervantes and doing well after his treatments

Dietmar - still very tired and lacking in stamina. 

Roger Davey - Family notice in the West Australian and one from RCMP will be in today's West. Funeral to be held on Wednesday 13 March 2.45pm at the Norfolk Chapel, Karrakatta. The wake will be held at the Como Bowling Club, Hensman Street, South Perth from 4.30pm.

Michelle Lovkis out of action - card on its way to her from all of us! Get well soon Michelle!

Vocational : Pride of Workmanship Awards

Purpose is to acknowledge and recognise employees who demonstrate

outstanding qualities and commitment in their workplace. We are looking for nominations from employers and/or rotarians. Our award event is planned for Friday 17th May. David Rowell will circulate more information and nomination forms next meeting. Please keep on the lookout in the next few weeks for worthy awardees. Any queries please contact David 0419 917 480.

SKG Visit : If you don't your MRI from your CT Scan then Gerry has re-organised the trip to SKG for Wednesday 13 March, followed by dinner. 20 places max and 15 already signed up - be quick or miss out! Contact Gerry for details 0438 642 738.


BNB : SAVE THE DATES! The BulldustNBack is alive and well and will be  held on 11, 12, 13, & 14 October following the 1st survey now completed. 

More details to follow or check out 


Club Service : Regionalisation Pilot Program now allocated Rotary clubs to Regional Community Groups (RCGs). 

First get-together will be on Sunday via Zoom Any interested parties please call Kelly Gillen. 

Nominations will be open soon for Rotary Community Leaders (RCLs) who will facilitate these groups. 

Please contact Kelly 0419 941 629 or Veronica 0409 035 343 if interested for position statement. 


International : A new trial project is being held in Sri Lanka at Ampara schools and has been approved by the Department of Health. 

10 girls from each of 3 schools will trial the feminine hygiene packs and provide feedback to the Sewing Sisters. Watch this space.


Community Services : Mill Point have donated 13 camp beds and 6 gazebos to the Haven. 

Thanks to Raelene and Mark for all their support. 

These items will help women relocating from Domestic Violence.

Fines - Flushing out your Felonies

A slow hand-clap for a slow moving Owen, who even with a sore back made use of the topics of the day and fined...

  • All the women in the room who had been on international travel this year - truly International Women!

  • Gerry, Lew and Alison for stocking up on tickets - you can spend them today!

  • All the 'Dudes' in the room, especially Geoff Longshaw 

  • Rick Sneeuwjagt forgetting to turn up to help Gorby on bread delivery

  • Vic Stoyanoff who at 87 became a grandfather and is in Norway to see the latest addition to the family! (Congratulations Vic from all of us!)

Winner of Heads and Tails

The H&T coins were not available so Owen performed from memory - the quickest H&T we ever had! and the winner was... Ian Kremmer! 

Thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the wine.


34 attendees in all including our 2 and a half guest speakers (Natasha, Stacey and Bronte), guest Rona McGann and Visiting Rotarian Bill Boekman, and newest individual member Garrick McCamey.