Tuesday, December 12, 2023

Directors 2024-2025

Meet your new Board Directors for the 2024-2025 Rotary year.

President: Kelly Gillen
President Elect: TBA
Vice President : Veronica Lawrance
Club Service : Brian Johnson
Youth Service : Astrid Mitchell
International : Raelene George
Community & Fundraising : Rick Sneeuwjagt
Membership : TBA
Vocational : Michael Gottschalk
Treasurer : Lyn Metcalf
Secretary : Alision Thair
Club Administration
Programme Officer/Speakers : Brian Johnson 
Foundation Chair/District Conference : Veronica Lawrance
Sergeant/Club Dress : Michael Collett
Attendance officers : Raelene George/Margaret Hyatt/Michelle Lovkis
Risk/Insurance Liaison Officer : David Rowell
Bulletin Editor : Veronica Lawrance
Webmaster : Veronica Lawrance
Club Welfare Officer : Michelle Lovkis (assisted by Raelene George and Kelly Gillen)
Fellowship : Owen Ferguson
Assistant Treasurer : Kim Paine
Youth Protection : Brian Johnson