Saturday, June 29, 2024

Bulletin #47 Changeover Night 28 June 2024

 Go Green and Gold

Well what a night it turned out to be! The event was a sea of Green and Gold from the ridiculous to the sublime, but everyone made an effort to participate in the theme of the night.

President elect Kelly Gillen did a great job as MC and welcomed everyone with his usual aplomb!


DG Ineke Oliver and husband Geoff, Geoff Baker MLA, Greg Milner Mayor of South Perth, President elect John Cahill and wife Denise Rotary Club of Como and new members Dianna Goh, Lydia Wong, Peggy Leung and Garrick McCamey all got a mention in dispatches.

DG Ineke Oliver gave the Toast to Rotary International speaking of the wonders of Rotary and the difference that Rotarians make.






The response to the RI Toast was given by David Rowell and was extremely eloquent in his words of wisdom.







The Toast to partners was given by Rotarian Joy Burnett, a beautiful emotional toast, remembering late partners (and members) of the club.  Joy spoke of how partners are the support of Rotarians and how hard it would be for Rotarians to "do what they do" without a partner beside them.




The response by Joy's partner Charlie Burnett, was indeed a fitting tribute to fellow partners with accolades to Rotarians who had welcomed him into the Club, as a Rotary partner 30 years ago!





 President Veronica gave a brief snapshot of the year in review logging some pretty impressive and significant projects, activities and events that the club had been involved with over the last 12 months:

  • The Sewing Sisters
  • The Amerta Bhuaa WAter Project in Bali
  • Sri Lanka eye camp
  • BulldustNBack (now in its 6th year)
  • Dial A Santa
  • Rock N Roll night
  • Ukraine Ambulance
  • Guildford Gaol
  • SKG visit
  • The Pines Awards
  • Fremantle Historical Walk
  • Camp Opportunity
  • Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment (RYPEN)
  • National Youth Science Forum (NYSF)
  • Four Way Speech Contest
  • Kensington Secondary School Awards
  • South Perth Primary Graduation
  • 2nd Peace Pole, South Perth Primary

PHF Awardees 2023-2024

A Paul Harris award is not given lightly, it signifies a Rotarian’s commitment to their Club through a number of activities, events and projects. It reflects on their leadership skills such as mentoring new Rotarians in sharing their knowledge as well as mentoring Rotarians who are taking up new challenges within the Club. It’s about sharing experiences within and without Rotary and sometimes putting a hand up when time and resources are tight.

It’s about quality of service as well as quantity, the number of Directorships held, deputising on committees and upholding Rotary’s values and ethics.

Mill Point's 2023-2024 PHF awardees are great examples of all these things, and it was a humbling but very proud experience to recognise and award PHF awards to these Mill Point Rotarians.

Firstly (and in no particular order), a long standing Rotarian of 30 years. Formerly a charter member and past President of a Rotary Club in the wild, wild, west.

During which time was working full-time with young  children of their own as well as being a Director in the family engineering business.

Some of the portfolios they’ve held include President, Secretary,Vice President, Club Director, International Director, and Past Assistant District Governor.

When the family moved to Perth, this person joined the Rotary Club of Mill Point. Within a month of joining this person was seeking out projects in which to participate.

At the time RCMP was a large Club with over 70 members  and was very active in community activities. 

No surprise then that when they joined Mill Point in 2012, this person held offices such as Secretary and Attendance Officer; Assistant District Governor for District 9465; named Rotarian of the Year 2017-2018; Camp Inspiration nurse 2023; BulldustNBack medic 2019, 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 and Acuity Tester at Eyecare camps in Sri Lanka annually since 2018 (and ongoing).

Of course the last testimonies gave it away and  it is none other than our own Florence Nightingale Raelene George now PHF+2.

Raelene is currently in Paris, really wearing the green and gold but we will present this to her when she returns to Perth

The second awardee joined Rotary in 1992, but has had 40 years in Rotary - now that must be a milestone to be reckoned with!

During this time, they have held important positions - and not just for one year - Club Treasurer from 2013 to 2018 and Club Secretary 1995 to 1996 then 2021 to 2024, as well serving on Vocational, Club Service, Membership, International, Bulletin editor, Community Committees and being the Finesmaster. They were also Rotarian of the year in 2015-2016

They are a font of knowledge on all-things-constitution and by-laws.

This person beavers away in the background, it's noticeable in the way in which they say little but take in a lot and always, always, can recall conversations and the details.

Some would say they are ‘old school’ and that’s OK, as we experience constant change it is always good to have the ‘roots’ of our club firmly planted.

Receiving their PHF+4 it's John O’Sullivan.

John could not attend due to recovering from a  hip replacement and we wish him a speedy recovery and look forward to his return when he will be presented his award and welcome him back to the club – as good as new! 


Lastly, 1993 was a very special year – it was the year in which mine and Jon's twins were born and probably the year I met this person for the first time, as it was in 1993 when they joined Mill Point.

They have been a Past President 2014-2015, and have held multiple Directorships - Membership, Youth, International, Community, Club Service, Fundraising, back to Membership and is currently a Director of our Charity Trust.

They are a negotiator, a calming presence, a softly spoken person who has supported this Club through thick and thin and always ready to jump in when a problem arises.

They can’t be with us tonight as duty calls elsewhere but I know members will recognise the efforts over this Rotarian's 31 years of service,  Congratulations to Lew Thomas PHF+3.

Amongst many duties, Lew is on babysitting duty and unfortunately unable to receive his award, but now with a "trifector" in our hands we will ensure that Lew, Raelene and John receive the accolades they deserve at a future club meeting.


2023-2024 Rotarian of The Year

I’m very happy to say that our Rotarian of the Year is here tonight

But first of all I want to acknowledge Graham Rennie who created and donated this magnificent duplicate trophy to record all the Rotarians of the Year since the award was created in the Rotary year of 2012-2013.

It would also be very remiss of me not to mention the very first awardee of this trophy – Ken Pittman, who has set the standards for all future awardees. Well done Ken.

However, this year’s Rotarian of the Year  joined Mill Point in 1996, they are a Past President of the Club, as well as taking on committee roles such as Membership, Youth, Club Service, Vocational, and Fundraising.

To date they have introduced quite a few new members – mostly females - which makes me think that retirement is quite out of the question as they are such a good source of new members.

What is particularly noteworthy of this Rotarian  is their ‘hands-on’ approach and  leadership style, who is never afraid to get their hands dirty when organising their committee events. Amongst his many titles, and by now you will have recognised "Mr Parking" of the Rotary Club of Mill Point and 2023 2024 Rotarian of the year – Dietmar Mazanetz.


Outgoing President Veronica then handed over to outgoing Board directors a small token of appreciation and thanked them for their support, encouragement, hard work and commitment to the Club.

Last but by no means least, President Veronica finally became Past President Veronica and thanked incoming President Kelly for his contribution, exclaiming, "Kelly it has been a real pleasure working with you over the last two years, developing ideas and sharing experiences and activities for the benefit of the Club and I know you are going to be a Magical President of Mill Point".

Veronica then presented Kelly with his new name badge and President's bar to attach to the President's collar, as well as the Presidential Theme Banner for 2024-2025 "The Magic Of Rotary"

Kelly introduced his 2024-2025 Board and thanked them for their volunteering for the new Rotary year. 

(L to R) Astrid Mitchell (Youth), Michael Gottschalk (Vocational), Rick Sneeuwjagt (Community), Lyn Metcalf (Treasurer), David Rowell (joint President elect with Gerry McGann - apology), Brian Johnston (Club Service).
As his first official act as President, Kelly then presented a PHF+2 to Veronica.

In addition Kelly then presented the following Olympic Medals.

"Unfortunately the premier event of the evening - the 25m hurdles across fully laid dining tables - has had to be cancelled due to the race being deemed a liability issue by RPGC. This was reinforced by general concerns aout Ian Kremmer being seen in athletic leotards!

"Instead over the last year there have been many examples of the Olympic spirit demonstrated in our club activities often by people beavering away in the background. So, in keeping with the Olympic tradition and standards we have some awards to give out tonight. I would ask that recipients come forward to stand on the podium to receive their Medals.

"The Gold Medal for the highly competitive Easter Bunny Hop goes to Debbie Sills who has left all other bunnies flat footed and eggless. You do need to bunny hop to the podium Deb!

 "In the long distance category the Gold Medal goes to our one and only cupcake Mike Collett. This has been a record breaking run for roster continuity and Mike is still well out in front as no one else can get up as early as him.


 "The Gold Medal for consistent and irrelevant trivia came down to a closely fought contest between President Veronica and Wayne the Elder. In this instance, depth of experience and streetwise cunning gave Wayne the edge in this hard fought contest.



"Finally, we have the hotly contested Race to the Friday Breakfast Buffet. No Gold Medal has been awarded for this event however the 'winner' of the Bronze medal is Michael "coffee cup" Gottschalk, whose inconsistent attempts to curry favour with the incumbent President were clearly doomed from the start". 


In closing President Kelly thanked everyone for attending and their support in making this changeover  a resounding success and wished everyone a safe and happy year, and a safe drive home.


Saturday, June 22, 2024

Bulletin #47

 Food for thought...

This week is all about food – some good some bad - even Artificial Intelligence was affected when MacDonalds trialled its first every AI Trail at 100 of its drive-throughs in the US and some order going very wrong.

Maccas and IBM partnered up to create a simplified experience for customers but the software proved to be not so intelligent when videos of mixed up order went viral.

This included things like:

  • Toppings of butter instead of caramel sauce on ice cream
  • Chicken nuggets with ice cream and bacon
  • Breakfast McMuffin with caramel sauce instead of cheese
 …and the list goes on..

 However the rest of the world celebrated

  • Eat your vegetables day        
  • International Sushi Day
  • Sustainable Gastronomy Day
  • International picnic day
  • Red Apple day
  • National Chocolate Éclair day
  • Apple strudel day and
  • Cupcake Lovers’ day

 Enjoy your day whatever you are celebrating!

Guest Speaker - John O'Sullivan (Jnr) Collaborative Practice

John was born on 29 February, so is probably one of the youngest speakers we have had at only 14 years old.


He is the son of our member, John O’Sullivan and grew up mainly in Perth, but with three years in England.

When he was in upper primary school.  John remembers taking a double decker bus to school, sometimes in the snow.


John has four children aged from 5 to 27.  Some of you might remember 20 years ago, John’s eldest daughter, Brooke sometimes came to meetings with her grandfather (John O'Sullivan Snr). 


John has been a lawyer for over 30 years and has been running his own practice for over 20 years.  Early on in his career, he spent several years working in Bunbury before returning to Perth.  



He is also a Mediator and Family Dispute Resolution Practitioner and has been a Collaborative Professional for over 10 years.   


He is a council member of Collaborative Professionals WA and a board member of the Australian Association of Collaborative Professionals.


Collaborative Practice is an alternative dispute resolution process, aimed at promoting effective communication between parties and encouraging interest-based resolutions.

Mediation is the most well-known alternative dispute resolution process. In Mediation, you have one or two mediators who help the parties to have constructive discussions about resolving their dispute. Sometimes in mediation, each party will bring their lawyer with them to assist.

In Collaboration, each party is represented by a lawyer. The parties and their respective lawyer will enter into an agreement, formalising their commitment to working out a reasonable and acceptable settlement for the parties.

 The distinguishing feature of Collaborative Practice is this agreement. Under the agreement, if the matter cannot be resolved using the collaborative process, then the process will be terminated and each party’s lawyer is disqualified from continuing to represent their respective clients if the matter goes to court.

 A feature is often having additional professionals in a team. These would be a financial specialist and a mental health professional (most likely a psychologist or counsellor) who would act for both clients and be called “neutrals”. Counsellors can offer much more support in their role in collaboration than they could as mediators. The financial neutral can offer suggestions about the best way to move forward and their thinking and suggestions are often different to the way lawyers think. They can also offer suggestions about more tax effective settlements or for forecasting for financial decisions.

Lawyers can advocate, in a non-adversarial manner, for their client. Whereas as a mediator, they can ask questions about an issue but not advocate without losing impartiality.

The first Collaboration in WA was in 2008. There are currently hundreds of practicing collaborative practitioners currently in Australia. John believes disputes are almost always about much more than the law.

He is enthusiastic about Collaborative Practice and Mediation as a better way to resolve disputes over litigation. Collaborative Practice can achieve both lasting compromises, repairing, rather than further damaging, the parties’ relationships.

Directors Reports and Announcement

Raelene G

  • Will be in Paris (France) next week when we celebrate our Changeover night so - please pay in advance for Changeover dinner to make things easier on the night as she won't be here.
Rick S
  • Industrial size Fridge now delivered to Havenwell - check out the story on our social media Facebook page.
Lyn M
  • Club dues are NOW payable so please pay asap.
  • Changeover dinner costs should be paid into Club account and NOT Charity account
Ross S
  • Ronald McDonald House dinner will be at the end of July either 21st or 28th - watch this space!
Gerry McG
  • Fremantle walk was a great success and completely OVERWHELMING!
Dianne G
  • Will be at Morley Senior High School today participating in careers speed-dating activity

Fine(s) I'll Pay Up...

  • Pres Veronica for 'combobulating' last and every week; hob-nobbing with the hoi-polloi at Perth RC changeover last Friday night!
  •  Brian J - too accommodating when last week's speaker failed to show
  • All the oil and gas people - lucky the convention centre didn't go Kaboom!
  • Everyone who knew today was the Winter Solstice (and what that means)
  • National Selfie Day - all those who have...
  • Astrid - welcome home, but pay up!
  • Bulldusters who attend the BNB launch last Sunday and took home more than they ate!
  • Dietmar and Raelene - Gold RAC members (probably joined before they could drive)
  • Raelene - don't brag about being in Paris with the real Green and Gold!
  • Brian A - ordering an Uber ride a day early - over the top!
  • Kim P, Geoff L, Kelly G, Margaret W, Dianna G, Ian K, Garrick and Warren Mc, Rick S, Veronica L - guilty of paying into Charity account instead of Club Account for Changeover dinner!

Winner of Heads and Tails

After one of each and two heads the lucky winner was Pres Veronica - a big smile says it all!

Thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the grog for the winner!


32 attendees in all, including guest speaker John O'Sullivan (Jnr) and visiting Rotarian Bill Boekman from Wongan Hills.


Saturday, June 15, 2024

Bulletin #46

How combobulated are you?

Late Thursday night when I thought all my thinking was done for the day, I was phoned and accused of being guilty of 'combobulating' each week!

Now I'd heard of 'discombobulating' - by way of politicians, being confused, disoriented, disconcerted or somehow at odds with what is going on - but after a deep and meaningful conversation with Mr Google (between several Gin and Tonics)  I realised that yes, guilty as charged!

So each week I combobulate by putting things in order for example, the agenda for the meeting; ensuring Gorby’s table (dependent on whether I receive my coffee or not) gets to be second in line for breakfast. (If only he’d learn that if he sat at the top table first in line is automatic without having to exert himself at the coffee pot…)


Other ways in which I combobulate include whether we have fines; heads and tails; note and welcome guests and visiting Rotarians, and lastly who will give the charge to Rotary.


So if I was “discombobulated” none of this would happen and you’d have a confused, disoriented mess of a President on your hands.

Now we've all learned a wildly exciting word today - so I challenge you all to use it at least once a day for the next week and see who you can 'dis-combobulateby using the word “combobulate”.

Guest Speaker - Brian Johnson - Smartphone Travel Tips

Due to the short notice cancellation of our planned speaker, Vice President Brian Johnson “combobulated” a presentation on Smartphone Travel Tips.

 As a veteran traveller and “Apple geek”, Brian hopefully de-mystified the technology behind Dual SIM phones and several Google Apps to illustrate how they have simplified overseas travelling and communicating.

In opening, Brian reminded us of our younger days as overseas travellers. Travel involved carrying a copy of “Lonely Planet Guide”, paper maps and foreign phrase books while stumping from internet café to internet café…

Now it’s all in your pocket!


As we know, roaming charges for calls or internet on your smartphone can be exorbitant. While free wifi is now widely available in airports, hotels and cafes it is insecure. Also, it may not be available when you are out and about.

Most modern smartphones nowadays are Dual SIM. This means you can have two active numbers. That gives you the flexibility to have one for personal and one for work/travel. You to use a local data plan (cheaper) when travelling and use WhatsApp etc for messages/wifi calls.


Most phones have an eSIM, which is a digital SIM card that’s already in your phone waiting to be activated. The other is nano SIM which is a physical card in a small tray on the side of your phone. Brian recommended going to your Telco’s shop and having them change your personal number over to the eSIM. That then frees up your tray to insert a local travel SIM for data as the second line.


This option is a “no brainer” to keep it simple as not all countries have eSIM plans for travellers. It also allows you to swap the card between devices if needed. For the tech-savvy and depending on your phone, you can download/store multiple eSIM plans and use two simultaneously.


Travel SIMs can be purchased before travel covering an entire region or specific countries. ESIM plans can be ordered online or through an APP and easily installed/activated.

Brian then explained via screenshots how to use Google Maps and Google Translate.

  • Google Maps has a handy Public Transport option that gives real time information on timetables, stations, platforms etc and even a map to transit between stations (very handy in Tokyo…).
  • Google Translate allows you to download multiple languages. You can then type, use microphone or camera to translate phrases, menus and spoken language easily.


This presentation was only intended to explain the big picture of how to make travelling easier. You will need to become familiar with your own specific phone and how to set it up.


A PDF version of Brian’s presentation can be viewed/downloaded at:>members only (password)>this link>Guest Speaker Presentations>JOHNSON Brian – Smartphone Travel Tips

Directors Reports and Announcement


  • Pride of Workmanship 12 July. Three nominations received still time to nominate someone from the workforce who goes 'above and beyond' the line of duty. Please contact David 0419 917 480.
  • Walking Tour of Fremantle planned for next Wednesday by the great grandson of C Y O'Connor who has been awarded the keys to the city of Fremantle. Please contact Gerry 0438 642 738.


  • Wine offer from RC of Como, good value with benefits for the club with every case ordered. Email sent in the week to all members.


  • Membership fees need to be paid by Monday 17 please as Rotary International invoice must be paid.
  • Changeover costs $80pp please pay in advance to enable the night to run smoothly.
  • Breakfast costs will increase to $30 from 1 July. This is still a great deal and was well negotiated by Lew Thomas, Raelene George and Kelly Gillan as a compromise to a) finding new premises (hard to do); b) paying weekly room hire ($200pw); c) $3.50per cup of tea/coffee; and d) $70pw for audio visuals. Also note that there has been no increases for a couple of years now.


Dianna Goh is looking for volunteers with experience in economics/finance to assist with a career counselling speed-dating exercise on 21 June, 11.15am - 2.15pm at Morley Senior High School Library. Please contact Dianna on 0406 370 022

Breaking News...


  • The 2024 BNB Launch is on this Sunday 16 June at Little J's Woodfire Kitchen (free Pizza) from 2.30pm - 4.30pm. BYO drinks. Please attend and swell the ranks!

District Appreciation Sundowner
Enjoy the sunset whilst sharing fellowship and celebrating with your Rotary friends and colleagues.
When : Saturday 29 June 5.30pm - 7.30pm
Where : City of Perth Surf Life Saving Club, 181-183 Challenger Parade, City Beach
Dress : Cocktail
Cost : $40 pp book here at  or scan the QR code on the flyer.

It was a 'Fine' performance ...

 Unsuspecting 'pocket rocket' Jenny McLean did the honors today ably assisted by David Rowell as 'tosser of the day' for Heads and Tails.
  •  President Veronica for dobbing Jenny in at the last minute, obviously discombobulated in that respect!
  • Gerry McG - missing a manicure?
  • Kim P - made to do a twirl to show off her 'Himalayan Hiking Boots'
  • Dianna G - Introducing her Delightful guest Dianna T (soon have as many Dianna's as Margarets...)
  • All Socceroo fans $$$$
  • All Financial people for their 'EOY' excuses.
  • Everyone in arrears for club fees or changeover payments

Winner of Heads and Tails

The Delightful, Delectable 'two-header' David who won by proxy (Jenny Mclean) as he was tosser of the week - and then he re-donated the wine back to the Club!

Thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the grog each week! 


33 attendees in all, including guest speaker Brian J, and visitors  Sharon and Shane Dowling (niece & nephew-in-law of Lorrie Gray).


Saturday, June 8, 2024

Bulletin #45


Oh What A Feeling... be back home after a week in Singapore - it's always good to be back home no matter how much you have enjoyed yourself, and back at Rotary - busted lip and all!

The RI Convention was a great success with over 14,000 Rotarians from all over the world. Visit to the Ukrainian booth in the House of Friendship was the real highlight as was the overwhelming applause and support in the opening ceremony for the Ukraine flag and its people.

Whilst there were many "Days" to celebrate this week none was more important than the anniversary of the beginning of D-Day in 1944  as the Allies prepared to land in Normandy, France and for which we are all very grateful for.

Guest Speaker Darren Reynolds - Every Daughter Matters

Darren is Head of Engagement at Every Daughter Matters. Previously he was with Destiny Rescue and in 2022 gave a harrowing account to the Club of his covert work rescuing trafficked girls from the sex trade in Thailand.

Darren has also spent six years as Community/Schools Development Representative with The Salvation Army WA and seven years with World Vision Australia.

After completing his education at Churchlands Senior High School and Greenwood College, Darren started his career with 98five Sonshine FM as Creative Director/Production Manager.

Darren commenced his presentation with raw mobile footage of the India/Nepal border showing a lady watching cars and stopping any suspicious vehicles with girls in the back. Police would then step in from the side. The aim is to intercept girls being trafficked from Nepal into India. Girls were being sold for sex work, labour, street begging, kidneys and even their skin (Nepali girls being much fairer than Indians.

Darren recapped his previous covert work posing an Australian businessman visiting bars in Thailand, to gain the trust of the underage sex workers and provide photographic evidence to the Police for their rescue. It is very dangerous work, as evidenced in his photos and secret videos.

Shockingly, over 30% of the “sex tourists” in Thailand are Australians. Darren speaks to Year 11/12s at schools, most recently Hale School. He poses the question “do you want to be part of the problem or the solution”. Educating young men on treatment of women and reducing the clients for these trafficked young sex workers is vital. Sort before you go what sort of man you are….”

Darren spoke of the Nepali girls in Indian brothels, described as “meat markets”. They have to service as many as 40 clients a day, for less than the price of a beer. How do you value the life of a child?

The role of Every Daughter Matters is more about prevention. Where the girls in Thailand were being rescued, many of the Nepali girls were being lured with job offers and lacked seeing the “red flags” that are obvious to us. When being intercepted, they often were unaware of what they were being saved from.

Every Daughter Matters was founded four years ago in Port Macquarie by a Rotarian. They now have fourteen border stations and two safe houses in Nepal. Several rescued girls are also now on EDM staff there.

Many girls are given refuge at the safe houses and given retraining  (2,662 girls as of April) or reunited with family (152).


A PDF version (minus videos) of Darren’s presentation is available at:>members only (password)>this link>

Guest Speaker Presentations>REYNOLDS Darren – Every Daughter Matters. The full PowerPoint (1.18 Gb) with videos can be made available via USB on request.

Directors Reports and Announcement

Vocational, Gerry McGann

Brian Johnson VP

  • Membership Directory Proforma sent out requesting new/change of details from each member . Please return ASAP.
  • Speaker roster is full to end of July, send in any suggestions to
  • Invitation from Matilda Bay Rotary Club (see events page) to join them for their breakfast meeting on Wednesday 3rd July. Simon Trott has been in the media over the last couple of days and should be a very interesting speaker. Please advise Brian if you would like to attend to coordinate the numbers. This is a great chance for inter-club fellowship and to see how another active club “does business”…

Rick Sneeuwjagt
  • Thanks to Gorby and Sana for their 'mostly intact' delivery from Brumby's to the Haven each week. A pie or two may go missing!
  • An industrial fridge has been donated by a neighbour of Rick and Mandy's to store the meals supplied by members of the club. This is of great assistance for the Haven who supplying meals to 200+ homeless people each week.
 Treasurer - Lyn Metcalf
  • Invoices have gone out for fees, please pay asap to assist in our payments to RI.

Fundraising - Dietmar Mazanetz

  • RC of Como are having a wine sale - great wine at reduced prices so please see Dietmar before stocking up with your usual tipple.


"Money can't buy you love" sang the Beatles back in 1964 - but it can buy you lots of substitutes - and Jenny McLean saw to it that everyone was selfless in sharing their stash as she slashed our savings!

  • "Kings Award for Acrobatics" went to President Veronica - busted lip and all.
  • Cruise fanatics - past, present and aspiring
  • Netflix aficionados who will miss their "gogglebox" fix when Sony terminates Netflix from 24 July.
  • Those people who aren't Netflix aficionados!
  • Those wanting alternatives to Netflix (Apple TV, Chromecast, Amazon Fire TV Stick.
  • Everyone who doesn't give a continental about any of the above!

Winner of Heads and Tails

Dianna Goh won hands down this week with two tails! Many thanks to Lyn and Margaret Metcalf for supplying the slurp of the week.


38 attendees in all, including guest speaker Darren Reynolds, and visitors/guests Mandy Sneeuwjagt, Sana Dimovich, Heather Kamal, Gordon Smith, and Peggy Leung.